This repository makes use of vit-pytorch:
For demonstration / debugging purposes a model was trained with DINO with a batch size of 120 and a learning rate of 3e-4 for 17 epochs, resulting in a loss value of 5.34.
A MLP classifier was added to this model and fine tuned for 4 epochs with a batch size of 16 and a learning rate of 1e-3, resulting in the following performance on the PCAM test dataset:
Accuracy | Sensitivity (Recall) | Specificity |
73.21% | 75.80% | 70.63% |
The loss values throughout training indicate this model would benefit from more training during both phases of training, but these two short training phases were just used as a sanity check.
- Set up environment
- Download Anaconda
- Create a conda environment (in this case named dino_env)
conda create -n dino_env python=3
- Clone this repository to any directory, in this case C:\ml_code\dino-vit-pcam\
cd C:\ml_code\
git clone
- Download dependencies
cd dino-vit-pcam
pip install -r requirements.txt --find-links
- Set up directories
- Depending on OS, run either create_dirs.ps1 (for Windows) or (for Linux) and choose a "project directory" for everything to be added to, in this case "C:\ml_projects\fcn_segmentation\"
C:\ml_code\dino-vit-pcam\create_dirs.ps1 "C:\\ml_projects\\dino_vit\\"
bash C:\ml_code\dino-vit-pcam\
- Train DINO (using hyperparameters included in paper)
- See create_argparser() on line 57 in for more details on adjustable hyperparameters
python -project_directory C:\ml_projects\dino-vit\ -model_save_name "dino_vit_model_1.pth.tar" -data_root C:\ml_projects\PCAM\
- Fine-tune classifier
- See create_argparser() on line 133 in for more details on adjustable hyperparameters
- param_str set to "just_classifier" only trains a fully connected layer at the end of the network, "all" sets requires_grad to True for all parameters
python -project_directory C:\ml_projects\dino-vit -model_save_name "dino_vit_model_1.pth.tar" -param_str "just_classifer"
- Calculate model performance (may need to add R to PATH)
Rscript C:\ml_code\dino_vit_pcam\utils\calc_model_performance.R