feat: a setting to force to always generate urls with default branch …
feat: a setting to force to always generate urls with default branch …
fix: address linting warnings in package.json
fix: address linting warnings in package.json
feat: add remote mapping
feat: add remote mapping
Pull request merge
chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
chore(deps): bump semver and clipboardy
chore(deps): bump semver and clipboardy
on Jun 23, 2023
chore(deps): bump yaml and lint-staged
chore(deps): bump yaml and lint-staged
on Apr 24, 2023
chore: ignore more files to reduce the size of the extension
chore: ignore more files to reduce the size of the extension
fix: update opn -> open, and make open external for bundling to avoid…
fix: update opn -> open, and make open external for bundling to avoid…
Force push
chore: update vscode types, and remove obsolete activation events
chore: update vscode types, and remove obsolete activation events
fix: update opn -> open, and make open external for bundling to avoid…
fix: update opn -> open, and make open external for bundling to avoid…