tips-calculator Public
A calculator for Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2024 -
familygroup Public
A transcription of family meeting records from 1939 - 1945
Vue UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
aci-scaler Public
Azure Function to scale ImgBot Containers based on Queue Length. Turns on and off Azure ACI groups and GCP instances.
danbut.com Public
A collection of my favorite projects and other things.
grunt-markdown Public
Forked from treasonx/grunt-markdownMarkdown gruntjs task with code highlighting
static-site-starter Public
a starting point for generating static sites
SvgClean Public
[WIP] a dotnet library for optimizing SVG files
chive-action Public
Maintain a NOTICE file based on your package-lock.json using GitHub Actions!
pgp-commit Public
PGP signing of commits with openpgp and nodegit
openaq-fetch Public
Forked from openaq/openaq-fetchA tool to collect data for OpenAQ platform.
wai-tutorials Public
Forked from w3c/wai-tutorialsW3C WAI’s Web Accessibility Tutorials
davoleo.github.io Public
Forked from Davoleo/davoleo.github.ioMoving from http://www.davoleo369.altervista.org to Github web hosting
painless-config Public
Forked from microsoft/painless-configLow friction library for application configuration.
git-pr-release Public
Forked from x-motemen/git-pr-releaseRelease pull request generator
free-for-dev Public
Forked from ripienaar/free-for-devA list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
service Public
Forked from clearlydefined/serviceThe service side of clearlydefined.io
crawler Public
Forked from clearlydefined/crawlerA service that crawls projects and packages for information relevant to ClearlyDefined
website-1 Public
Forked from clearlydefined/websiteWebsite for clearlydefined.io
Venmorld Public
A real-time data visualization of emoji frequency from the public Venmo feed. Built with Node.js and Highcharts.
papirus-icon-theme Public
Forked from PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-themePapirus icon theme for Linux
licensee-plus Public
Forked from htanskanen/licensee-plusCheck npm package dependency license metadata and package data from ClearlyDefined against rules.