A Python library for the KDL Document Language.
pip install kdl-py
kdl-py is fully Python 2.7 and Python 3 friendly.
from kdl import parse, Document, Node
print(parse('''// Nodes can be separated into multiple lines
title \
"Some title"
// Files must be utf8 encoded!
smile "😁"
// Instead of anonymous nodes, nodes and properties can be wrapped
// in "" for arbitrary node names.
"!@#$@$%Q#$%~@!40" "1.2.3" "!!!!!"=true
// The following is a legal bare identifier:
foo123~!@#$%^&*.:'|/?+ "weeee"
// And you can also use unicode!
ノード お名前="☜(゚ヮ゚☜)"
// kdl specifically allows properties and values to be
// interspersed with each other, much like CLI commands.
foo bar=true "baz" quux=false 1 2 3
# Creating documents from scratch is currently very gross
doc = Document()
doc.append(Node(name='simple-name', properties=None, arguments=[123], children=[Node(name='complex name here!', properties=None, arguments=None, children=None)]))
title "Some title"
smile "😁"
!@#$@$%Q#$%~@!40 !!!!!=true "1.2.3"
foo123~!@#$%^&*.:'|/?+ "weeee"
ノード お名前="☜(゚ヮ゚☜)"
foo bar=true quux=false "baz" 1 2 3
simple-name 123 {
"complex name here!"
The code is available under the MIT license. The example above is made available from https://github.com/kdl-org/kdl under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.