A header only library for creating and validating json web tokens in c++
Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution
install ioquake3 on macOs in one command (apple silicon support)
Cross Exchange/Hedged market making Trading Bot in C++
MacSourcePorts / ioq3
Forked from ioquake/ioq3The ioquake3 community effort to continue supporting/developing id's Quake III Arena
NexusTrader is a professional-grade open-source quantitative trading platform
Details on how to get Binance public data
python PYPI package to dump all needed crypto historical data from binance just by 2 lines of code
A transport-agnostic, high-performance, header-only C++23 WebSocket client library with minimal dependencies.
A POC of an simple order exchange.Deployed on several servers gateway/dispathcer for OTC/matchingEngine/marketdataserver
Provides Discord++ bots with websocket functionality via the Boost Beast library
A collection of modern C++ libraries, include coro_http, coro_rpc, compile-time reflection, struct_pack, struct_json, struct_xml, struct_pb, easylog, async_simple etc.
TLS 1.3 implementation in C (master supports RFC8446 as well as draft-26, -27, -28)
A Light Weight TLS Cryptography Library in C/C++ with Support for RSA ECC AES GCM and Chacha20/Poly1305
C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
Single C file TLS 1.2/1.3 implementation, using tomcrypt as crypto library
Benchmarks to measure the cost of sleeping
Rust web-socket implementation benchmark
mTCP: A Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore Systems
TLS v1.2/1.3 echo client/server application using wolfSSL that supports KTLS offload.
C++20协程和基于io_uringの百万并发服务器; 可异步读写, 支持Transfer-Encoding分块编码传输文件; 基于压缩前缀树编写的路由, 支持通配符解析;+ http/https/websocket、socks5代理、Json解析、Json静态反射到结构体(可以无宏反射到聚合类), 封装了线程安全的LFUCache和LRUCache, 静态枚举映射, 支持STL容器的pri…