A list of tech conferences that provide diversity travel grants or scholarships.
Most of these conferences require the applicant to be at least 18 years old and a member of an underrepresented group in tech, but this kinda goes without saying.
- Abstractions
- AffectConf
- AfroTech
- AWS re:Invent
- Clarity Conf
- Clarity
- Clojure/Conj
- Code Sync
- Codeland Conf
- CSS Day
- Deconstruct
- DockerCon
- EmberConf
- GitHub Universe
- Google Travel Grants
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
- JSConf Hawai'i
- JSConf USA
- Kong Summit
- KubeCon
- Linux Foundation - Node.js Interactive
- Linux Foundation - Open Source Summit
- LocoMocoSec
- Microsoft Diversity Scholarships
- MongoDB World
- O'Reilly Conferences
- Open Go
- Out 4 Undergrad Tech
- PerfMatters Conf
- Pioneer Grid
- PyCon
- PyData
- Racketfest
- RailsConf
- React.js Conf
- ReasonConf
- RubyConf
- Strange Loop
- TAPIA Conference
- Tech Inclusion Conferences
- The LEad Developer
- Thunder Plains
- trySwift
- Women in Cybersecurity Conference
- Wonder Woman Tech
- Write, Speak, Code
- ColdFront
- CSSconf EU
- DjangoCon EU
- Drupal Mountain Camp
- ffconf
- JSConf EU
- MesosCon Europe
- PHP UK Conference
- React Summit
- Serverlessdays Hamburg
- Spring I/0
- useR! Conference
- You Gotta Love Frontend Lithuania
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
More details can be found at this project's code of conduct.
To get started...
- π΄ Fork this repo here
- π¨ Hack away
- π Add yourself as a contributor under credits
- π§ Make a pull request here
Or just create an issue - any little bit of help counts! π
- π― Create an issue here!
When submitting a pull request to add a conference(s), please follow the formatting below:
- [Conference Name](Link to conference or scholarship information)
Insert the conference in the proper place to follow the alphabetical order.
Please make sure to remove any whitespace as well.
- Frances Coronel
- Konstantinos Pappas (designed the header image)
- Krystal Maughan
- Colleen Dunlap
- Bryan Dosono
- Mo Hampton
- Marouen Helali
- Jessica Xie
- Dana Rocha