- Brazil
- 3h behind - in/danielelvs
- danielelvs
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Sign Language Similarity
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Forked from taniarascia/webpack-boilerplate📦 A sensible webpack 5 boilerplate.
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Curso Angular e Jasmine: Testes de unidade para sua aplicação da ALURA
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Forked from marcelohmdias/dotfiles🐚 My Post Install Shell Script for Ubuntu PCs.
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Forked from gto76/python-cheatsheetComprehensive Python Cheatsheet
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Forked from bhiziroglu/Siamese-Neural-NetworksImplementation of the Siamese Neural Networks in PyTorch using MNIST dataset
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Forked from SoongE/siamese-one-shot-pytorchExample of one shot learning and few shot learning with omniglot dataset.
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Curso Protractor: Testes automatizados com javascript da Alura
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Forked from schatty/siamese-networks-tfImplementation of Siamese-Networks for One Shot Learning in TensorFlow 2.0