Pipelines Monitor: A Azure DevOps extension designed to deliver insightful analytics on pipeline executions across your organization. Seamlessly integrating as a widget, it enhances your Azure DevOps Dashboard by providing a breakdown of your pipelines.
This extension provides detailed insights into your pipelines, including:
Total Pipelines: View the complete list of all pipelines in your projects to get a comprehensive overview of your inventory.
Run Statistics: Track the total number of runs for each pipeline to find out which pipelines are executed most frequently.
Outcome Breakdown: See the number of successful, failed, and canceled runs in order to identify potential issues.
Average Duration: Monitor the average time taken for pipeline runs, and identify potential points of improvement.
The extension can be installed from Azure DevOps Marketplace.
Navigate to the Azure 'Boards' tab in your account on the left hand navigation. Select the 'Dashboards' tab under 'Overview'.
You are now on the Dashboards page. Use the 'Add a widget' button to add the widget to your dashboard.
Use the search box to find the Pipelines Monitor widget, and use the 'Add' button to add it to your dashboard.
You can choose the configure option to customize the widget settings.
Select the settings you want to use.
You can select pipelines from up to 10 projects at a time due to performance reasons.
This feature works only with YAML pipelines.
Statistics are based on the last 1,000 runs for each project.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions.
this project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
I'm also author of the following extensions, which you might find useful: