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Blog App

This an api for a Blog App built as an exam project by dannyrae, a Backend Engineering student at AltSchool Africa School of Engineering 2022/23.

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Built With:

Javascript Node.js Express.js MongoDB

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Requirements for the examination project

  • Users should have a first_name, last_name, email, password,

  • A user should be able to sign up and sign in into the blog app

  • Use JWT as authentication strategy and expire the token after 1 hour

  • A blog can be in two states; draft and published

  • Logged in and not logged in users should be able to get a list of published blogs created

  • Logged in and not logged in users should be able to to get a published blog

  • Logged in users should be able to create a blog.

  • When a blog is created, it is in draft state

  • The owner of the blog should be able to update the state of the blog to published

  • The owner of a blog should be able to edit the blog in draft or published state

  • The owner of the blog should be able to delete the blog in draft or published state

  • The owner of the blog should be able to get a list of their blogs.

  • The endpoint should be paginated

  • It should be filterable by state

  • Blogs created should have title, description, tags, author, timestamp, state, read_count, reading_time and body.

  • The list of blogs endpoint that can be accessed by both logged in and not logged in users should be paginated:

    • default it to 20 blogs per page.

    • It should also be searchable by author, title and tags.

    • It should also be orderable by read_count, reading_time and timestamp

  • When a single blog is requested, the api should return the user information (the author) with the blog. The read_count of the blog too should be updated by 1

  • Come up with any algorithm for calculating the reading_time of the blog.

  • Write tests for all endpoints

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Development Setup


Clone this repo

git clone

Install project dependencies

npm install

Run a development server

npm run dev

Base URL



field data_type constraints
username string required, unique
firstname string required
lastname string required
email string required, unique
password string required
blogs ref - Blog


field data_type constraints
title string required, unique
description string
author ref - User
owner string
state string default: 'draft', enum: ['draft', 'published']
read_count Number default: 0
reading_time Number
tags array optional
body string required

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Signup User

  • Route: /signup
  • Method: POST

πŸ‘‡ Body

  "firstname": "John",
  "lastname": "Doe",
  "username": "mightyjoe",
  "email": "",
  "password": "Password0!"

πŸ‘‡ Response

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "username": "mightyjoe",
    "email": "",
    "blogs": [],
    "_id": "6367c296ba7522bd8561e4f6"

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Login User

  • Route: /login
  • Method: POST

πŸ‘‡ Body

  "username": "mightyjoe",
  "password": "Password0!"

πŸ‘‡ Response

  "token": { token },
  "username": "mightyjoe",
  "firstname": "John"

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Create a Blog

  • Route: /api/create
  • Method: POST
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}

πŸ‘‡ Body

  "title": "The Adventures of John",
  "tags": ["memoirs", "expose", "fun"],
  "description": "Fun times as Johnny",
  "body": "A very fun article that is long enough to be fun, and short enough to be!"

πŸ‘‡ Response

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "title": "The Adventures of John",
        "description": "Fun times as Johnny",
        "author": "6366ffdbb47b721083375dc2",
        "state": "draft",
        "read_count": 0,
        "tags": ["memoirs", "expose", "fun"],
        "body": "A very fun article that is long enough to be fun, and short enough to be!",
        "_id": "636810c3e7aaaa457745b150",
        "createdAt": "2022-11-06T19:50:40.705Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-11-06T19:50:40.705Z",
        "reading_time": 1

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Get all published blogs

  • Route: /api/

  • Method: GET

  • Header

    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
    • None (Accessible to unauthenticated users)
  • Query params:

    • page (default: 1)

    • size (default: 20)

    • Filters: Limit returned response by passing values to any of the following parameters:

      • author
      • title
      • tags: Separate multiple values with a comma

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Get all created blogs by authenticated user

  • Route: /api/user/

  • Method: GET

  • Header

    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Query params:

    • page (default: 1)

    • size (default: 20)

    • Filters: Limit returned response by passing values to any of the following parameters:

      • state
      • title
      • tags: Separate multiple values with a comma

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Update the state of a Blog

  • Route: /api/:blogId
  • Method: PATCH
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}

πŸ‘‡ Body

  "state": "published"

πŸ‘‡ Response

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "_id": "6367cc2271c384885108032f",
    "title": "The Adventures of John",
    "description": "Fun times as Johnny",
    "author": "6367c296ba7522bd8561e4f6",
    "state": "published",
    "read_count": 0,
    "tags": ["memoirs", "expose", "fun"],
    "body": "A very fun article that is long enough to be fun, and short enough to be!",
    "createdAt": "2022-11-06T15:00:50.202Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-11-06T16:17:45.137Z",
    "reading_time": 1

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Update the contents of a Blog

  • Route: /api/:blogId
  • Method: PATCH
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}

πŸ‘‡ Body

  "tags": ["memoirs", "expose"],
  "body": "A very fun article that is long enough to be fun, and short enough to be! A sailor went to sea to see what he could see but all that he could see was the bottom of the deep blue sea."

πŸ‘‡ Response

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "_id": "6367cc2271c384885108032f",
    "title": "The Adventures of John",
    "description": "Fun times as Johnny",
    "author": "6367c296ba7522bd8561e4f6",
    "state": "published",
    "read_count": 0,
    "tags": ["memoirs", "expose"],
    "body": "A very fun article that is long enough to be fun, and short enough to be! A sailor went to sea to see what he could see but all that he could see was the bottom of the deep blue sea.",
    "createdAt": "2022-11-06T15:00:50.202Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-11-06T16:22:29.326Z",
    "reading_time": 1

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Lessons Learned

While building this project, I learned about:

  • Testing the backend
  • Database Modelling
  • Database Management
  • Debugging
  • User Authentication
  • User Authorization
  • Mongoose populate & ref

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Project Repo Link: Blog App

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This project was made possible by:

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  • Emmanuel Asuquo


No description, website, or topics provided.






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