Launching clusters via libvirt is especially useful for operator development.
It's expected that you will create and destroy clusters often in the course of development. These steps only need to be run once.
Before you begin, install the build dependencies.
Make sure you have KVM enabled by checking for the device:
$ ls -l /dev/kvm
crw-rw-rw-+ 1 root kvm 10, 232 Oct 31 09:22 /dev/kvm
If it is missing, try some of the ideas here.
On Fedora, CentOS/RHEL:
sudo yum install libvirt libvirt-devel libvirt-daemon-kvm qemu-kvm
Then start libvirtd:
sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd
In this example, we'll set the base domain to tt.testing
and the cluster name to test1
git clone
cd installer
You may want to grant yourself permissions to use libvirt as a non-root user. You could allow all users in the wheel group by doing the following:
cat <<EOF >> /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/80-libvirt.rules
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ( == "org.libvirt.unix.manage" && subject.local && && subject.isInGroup("wheel")) {
return polkit.Result.YES;
Libvirt creates a bridged connection to the host machine, but in order for the network bridge to work IP forwarding needs to be enabled. The following command will tell you if forwarding is enabled:
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
If the command output is:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
then forwarding is disabled and proceed with the rest of this section. If IP forwarding is enabled then skip the rest of this section.
To enable IP forwarding for the current boot:
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
or to persist the setting across reboots (recommended):
echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/99-ipforward.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-ipforward.conf
The Kubernetes cluster-api components drive deployment of worker machines. The libvirt cluster-api provider will run inside the local cluster, and will need to connect back to the libvirt instance on the host machine to deploy workers.
In order for this to work, you'll need to enable TCP connections for libvirt.
To do this, first modify your /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
and set the
listen_tls = 0
listen_tcp = 1
tcp_port = "16509"
Note that authentication is not currently supported, but should be soon.
In addition to the config, you'll have to pass an additional command-line
argument to libvirtd. On Fedora, modify /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd
and set:
On Debian based distros, modify /etc/default/libvirtd
and set:
Next, restart libvirt: systemctl restart libvirtd
Finally, if you have a firewall, you may have to allow connections to the libvirt daemon from the IP range used by your cluster nodes.
The following examples use the default cluster IP range of
(which is currently not configurable) and a libvirt default
subnet of
, which might be different in your configuration.
If you're uncertain about the libvirt default subnet you should be able to see its address using the command ip -4 a show dev virbr0
or by inspecting virsh --connect qemu:///system net-dumpxml default
Ensure the cluster IP range does not overlap your virbr0
IP address.
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s -d --dport 16509 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "Allow insecure libvirt clients"
If using firewalld
, simply obtain the name of the existing active zone which
can be used to integrate the appropriate source and ports to allow connections from
the IP range used by your cluster nodes. An example is shown below.
$ sudo firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
interfaces: enp0s25 tun0
With the name of the active zone, include the source and port to allow connections from the IP range used by your cluster nodes.
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=FedoraWorkstation --add-source=
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=FedoraWorkstation --add-port=16509/tcp
Verification of the source and port can be done listing the zone
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=FedoraWorkstation --list-ports
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=FedoraWorkstation --list-sources
NOTE: When the firewall rules are no longer needed, sudo firewall-cmd --reload
will remove the changes made as they were not permanently added. For persistence,
add --permanent
to the firewall-cmd
commands and run them a second time.
Check to see if a default storage pool has been defined in Libvirt by running
virsh --connect qemu:///system pool-list
. If it does not exist, create it:
sudo virsh pool-define /dev/stdin <<EOF
<pool type='dir'>
sudo virsh pool-start default
sudo virsh pool-autostart default
This step is optional, but useful for being able to resolve cluster-internal hostnames from your host.
and setdns=dnsmasq
in section[main]
Tell dnsmasq to use your cluster. The syntax is
.For this example:
echo server=/tt.testing/ | sudo tee /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/openshift.conf
systemctl restart NetworkManager
- Make sure you have the
binary installed:sudo dnf install libvirt-client libvirt-devel
- Install the libvirt terraform provider:
GOBIN=~/.terraform.d/plugins go get -u
cat <<EOF > $HOME/.terraformrc
plugin_cache_dir = "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"
With libvirt configured, you can proceed with the usual quick-start.
when building if you need destroy cluster
support for libvirt; this is not enabled by default because it requires cgo:
TAGS=libvirt_destroy hack/
To avoid being prompted repeatedly, you can set environment variables to reflect your libvirt choices. For example, selecting libvirt, setting our earlier name choices, and telling both the installer and the machine-API operator to contact libvirtd
at the usual libvirt IP, you can use:
If you compiled with libvirt_destroy
, you can use:
openshift-install destroy cluster
If you did not compile with libvirt_destroy
, you can use
, but note it will currently destroy all libvirt resources.
With the cluster removed, you no longer need to allow libvirt nodes to reach your libvirtd
. Restart
to remove your temporary changes as follows:
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Some things you can do:
The bootstrap node, e.g.
, runs the bootstrap process. You can watch it:
sudo journalctl -f -u bootkube -u openshift
You'll have to wait for etcd to reach quorum before this makes any progress.
Using the domain names above will only work if you set up the DNS overlay or have otherwise configured your system to resolve cluster domain names. Alternatively, if you didn't set up DNS on the host, you can use:
virsh -c "${OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_LIBVIRT_URI}" domifaddr "${OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_CLUSTER_NAME}-master-0" # to get the master IP
ssh core@$MASTER_IP
is the libvirt connection URI which you passed to the installer.
You'll need a kubectl
binary on your path and the kubeconfig from your cluster
export KUBECONFIG="${DIR}/auth/kubeconfig"
kubectl get --all-namespaces pods
Alternatively, you can run kubectl
from the bootstrap or master nodes.
Use scp
or similar to transfer your local ${DIR}/auth/kubeconfig
, then SSH in and run:
export KUBECONFIG=/where/you/put/your/kubeconfig
kubectl get --all-namespaces pods
- There isn't a load balancer on libvirt.
If following the above steps hasn't quite worked, please review this section for well known issues.
If you're seeing an error similar to
Error: Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:
* provider.libvirt: virError(Code=38, Domain=7, Message='Unable to resolve address 'localhost' service '-1': Servname not supported for ai_socktype')
FATA[0019] failed to run Terraform: exit status 1
it is likely that your install configuration contains three backslashes after the protocol (e.g. qemu+tcp:///...
), when it should only be two.
Configuring the storage pool to store images in a path incompatible with the SELinux policies (e.g. your home directory) might lead to the following errors:
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* libvirt_domain.etcd: 1 error(s) occurred:
* libvirt_domain.etcd: Error creating libvirt domain: virError(Code=1, Domain=10, Message='internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2018-07-30T22:52:54.865806Z qemu-kvm: -fw_cfg name=opt/com.coreos/config,file=/home/user/VirtualMachines/etcd.ign: can't load /home/user/VirtualMachines/etcd.ign')
As described here you can workaround by disabling SELinux, or store the images in a place well-known to work, e.g. by using the default pool.
Depending on your libvirt version you might encounter a race condition leading to an error similar to:
* libvirt_domain.master.0: Error creating libvirt domain: virError(Code=43, Domain=19, Message='Network not found: no network with matching name 'test1'')
This is also being tracked on the libvirt-terraform-provider but is likely not fixable on the client side, which is why you should upgrade libvirt to >=4.5 or a patched version, depending on your environment.
- Support for libvirt on Mac OS is currently broken and being worked on.
If you're on Arch Linux and get an error similar to
libvirt: “Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend”
error: Failed to start network default
error: internal error: Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend
please check out this thread on superuser.
You might find other reports of your problem in the Issues tab for this repository where we ask you to provide any additional information. If your issue is not reported, please do.