oc like tool that works with must-gather rather than OpenShift API
Simply run:
$ pip3 install o-must-gather --user
Point it to an extracted must-gather:
$ omg use </path/to/must-gather/>
Or you can point directly to the file, omg will validate and uncompress it for you:
$ omg use <must-gather-tar-file>
Use it like oc:
# omg get clusterVersion
# omg get clusterOperators
# omg project openshift-ingress
# omg get pods -o wide
has shell autocompletion (huge thanks to @bostrt). It can auto complete both, the commands (e.g,get
etc.) and the objects present in the selected must-gather. Currently autocompletion is only available forbash
shell however the support forzsh
shells should come soon.You can enable the autocompletion functionality in a bash shell by running:
# eval "$(omg completion bash)"
To make it permanent, append this line to
(if installed on system level) or to the activation script (if installed in venv):# If installed on system level # echo 'eval "$(omg completion bash)"' >> ~/.bashrc # If installed in a venv # echo 'eval "$(omg completion bash)"' >> /path/to/vevn/bin/activate
When run without any arguments i.e, just
omg use
, omg will show you the details of the currently selected must-gather. For example:# omg use ./must-gather.local.2723199189299891619 Now using project "openshift-monitoring" on must-gather "/home/knaeem/Downloads/must-gather.local.2723199189299891619/quay-io-openshift-release-dev-ocp-v4-0-art-dev-sha256-d7c882054a4528eda72e69a7988c5931b5a1643913b11bfd2575a78a8620808f" # omg use Current must-gather: /home/knaeem/Downloads/must-gather.local.2723199189299891619/quay-io-openshift-release-dev-ocp-v4-0-art-dev-sha256-d7c882054a4528eda72e69a7988c5931b5a1643913b11bfd2575a78a8620808f Current Project: openshift-monitoring Cluster API URL: ['https://api.ocp4.aidemo.local:6443'] Cluster Platform: ['oVirt']
To facilitate users working with multiple must-gathers, you can now set the current working directory to be used as the must-gather path. In this case, simply switching the current working directory to the desired must-gather will be enough to start using that must-gather. To use this mode, simply run
omg use --cwd
. For example:# omg use --cwd Using your current working directory # cd /home/knaeem/Downloads/must-gather.local.2723199189299891619/quay-io-openshift-release-dev-ocp-v4-0-art-dev-sha256-d7c882054a4528eda72e69a7988c5931b5a1643913b11bfd2575a78a8620808f # omg use Current must-gather: . Current Project: openshift-monitoring Cluster API URL: ['https://api.ocp4.aidemo.local:6443'] Cluster Platform: ['oVirt'] # cd /home/knaeem/Downloads/must-gather.local.7890185621691109993/quay-io-openshift-release-dev-ocp-v4-0-art-dev-sha256-549bd48582a9fa615b8728bc6e1d66f3a9c829f415d9ddd58f95eb978be50274 # omg use Current must-gather: . Current Project: openshift-monitoring Cluster API URL: ['https://api.ocpprod.example.com:6443'] Cluster Platform: ['None']
You can now point the omg command to a file and it will uncompress it for you, but only if is a valid file. What is a valid file?:
- It is a tar file, we use tarfile module to validate that, not just by extension.
- It have only one root directory inside the tar file and the name starts with "must-gather". Once it match this criteria the file is uncompressed on the current directory and it move to the standard 'omg use' flow.
This feature assist you in exploring the MachineConfigs in a more human-friendly way. You can use it in the following two ways:
omg machine-config extract [MachineConfig1 MachineConfig2 ...]
This will "extract" the MachineConfigs and place them under
. The encoded files are decoded so they can be examined in a better way. If no MachineConfigs are passed (e.g, you simply runomg machine-config extract
), all the MachineConfigs are extracted. Example usage:-
Extract all MachineConfigs
# omg machine-config extract
Extract specific MachineConfig
# omg machine-config extract rendered-worker-261eed0b6fe6793c8b609de8e77958fa
omg machine-config compare MachineConfig1 MachineConfig2 [--show-contents]
This allows you to compare two MachineConfigs. It will list all the changes, addition and deletion in the two MachineConfigs. If
is passed it will show thediff
between the contents as well (diff will be on deocded content if the content is encoded). Example usage:-
Compare two MachineConfigs on a high level
# omg machine-config compare rendered-worker-261eed0b6fe6793c8b609de8e77958fa rendered-worker-f9020f5c66ce72eee5f02a58b3c816c5
Compare two MachineConfigs with while also showing the diff of changed content
# omg machine-config compare rendered-worker-261eed0b6fe6793c8b609de8e77958fa rendered-worker-f9020f5c66ce72eee5f02a58b3c816c5 --show-contents
This feature assist you to view files exported by must-gather when it is not a standard oc
To show available files mapped to be parsed, you can use:
# omg parser -s
To inspect a file, for example, etcd endpoint status (path of file on MG: etcd_info/endpoint_status.json
# omg parser etcd-endpoint-status
Contributions are most welcomed. Please refer here for instructions on setting up development environment and learning more about the internal architecture of o-must-gather.
This project is licensed under GPLv3.