Apple Coding Challenge
ruby 3.3.6 rails 8.0.1
git clone
cd applecodingchallenge
Turn caching on: rails dev:cache
Run rubocop, fasterer, bundle-audit, erb-lint and brakeman:
Some things I'd do differently
- Write system specs for integration testing the search and results better.
- I would not normally test APIs directly, like in the request spec. I would normally use webmock and block requests and define a response object.
- Look at the API docs more closely before jumping in, I unfortunately didn't do this and spent a good hour before I knew I'd be making two requests to get the data I needed.
I know the request said not to use Ai/ChatGPT, but I wanted to use d3 and get some charts up to show the data better instead of just displaying the data in plain text in erb. So I did use Grok to help with the chart generation part of d3. Honesty here.