This is a Simple Python Website Project that can be used for prototyping modern web services. This application is not very scalable nor data secure and thus should not be used in production.
The project uses
- ngrok as a way to publish the service (no actual dependency) (
- bottle as web server / adapter (
- sqlite3 as database (
- SQLitePlugin as database access method
- vue.js 3 as frontend component framework (
- vue router 4 as SPA router (
- bootstrap 5 as frontend styling system (
- axios as http client (
- MD5 as password hashing method
- Signed cookies and credentials stored in the database for authentication
- Environment variables for configuration
Install dependencies
$ cd simple-python-website
$ python3 -m venv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Update dependencies (if you make changes)
$ cd simple-python-website
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
First register an Ngrok account and verify your email
$ snap install ngrok
$ ngrok authtoken ....
Using environment variables (while developing edit data/
- Set database filename (SPW_DATABASE_FILENAME)
- Set migrations filename (SPW_MIGRATIONS_FILENAME)
- Set data directory path (SPW_DATA_DIRECTORY)
- Set static files directory path (SPW_STATIC_FILES_DIRECTORY)
- Set cookie secret (SPW_COOKIE_SECRET)
- Set password hash key (SPW_PASSWORD_SECRET)
- Set http port for the service (SPW_PORT)
- Set session length / cookie TTL (SPW_SESSION_TTL)
Note: If environment variables are set, they override any / all default values
Terminal 1
$ ngrok http 9999
Terminal 2
$ python3
Terminal 3
$ python3 test/
Default password should be changed before publishing (only present in the test data now)
admin / admin-password
There are still thing to do:
- auth_methods to its own store (separate from users)
- primary key to auth_methods
- user creation into one transaction
- maybe separate different services to different db's to simulate microservices
- auth, userdata, things
- userroles and permissions in the cookie?
- maybe use a local session storage for the access token
- wrap axios into a wrapper that reads the local session storage
- Google OAuth frontend backend