- Beijing
- 8h ahead - https://blog.dashjay.com/
- Pro
Docker and OCI Registry Client in Go and tooling using those libraries.
Manage & spin up mongodb server binaries with zero(or slight) configuration for tests.
redroid (Remote-Android) is a multi-arch, GPU enabled, Android in Cloud solution. Track issues / docs here
This repository contains the WhatsApp proxy implementation for users to host their own proxy infrastructure to connect to WhatsApp for chat (VoIP is not currently supported)
RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go
an experimental collection of utility functions (sources, combinators, sinks) for working with Go iterators
A Golang library for exporting performance and runtime metrics to external metrics systems (i.e. statsite, statsd)
Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy
Powerful, open, and modular Agentic Framework
Practice stuff from the book "Your code as a crime scene"
💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
Storage daemon, capable of storing data for the Remote Execution protocol