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DockerFile with Nvidia GPU support for TensorFlow and OpenCV

Revision: 20220815

1. About

For TensorFlow GPU, you will need to build the cudnn_ version.

The base OS for those container images is Ubuntu or DockerHub's nvidia/cuda based on Ubuntu. More details on the Nvidia base images are available at . In particular, please note that "By downloading these images, you agree to the terms of the license agreements for NVIDIA software included in the images"; with further details on DockerHub version from

Version history:

  • 20191107: builds a non-CUDA version: tensorflow_opencv.
  • 20191210: builds a CuDNN version: cudnn_tensorflow_opencv
  • 20200211: making use of Docker 19.03's GPU support and adding information about the OpenCV builds in the OpenCV_BuildConf directory.
  • 20200327: added Protobuf, WebP, GStreamer and Eigen to the OpenCV build.
  • 20200423: added support for OpenCV 3.4.10 and 4.3.0, and added GStreamer plugins to the build. Also added Nvidia Jetson Nano build steps in the JetsonNano directory.
  • 20200615: TensorFlow is built from source. Note that TensorFlow will not have GPU support unless it was compiled with CUDNN support.
  • 20200803: added PyTorch. Removal of cudnn_ version for CUDA 9.2 with TensorFlow 2.3.0 (minimum needed was 10.1)
  • 20201204: added support for Python 3.7 for TensorFlow 1 builds and Python 3.8 for Tensorflow 2 builds (makes use of the deadsnakes/ppa and changes the default python3). Warning: only pip3 installed packages will work, not apt-get installed ones (Python 3.6 is still the default for Ubuntu 18.04)
  • 20210211: added support for CUDA 11 (using Nvidia's Ubuntu 20.04 based container). CUDA 9.2 and 10.2 versions are still created from Nvidia's Ubuntu 18.04 based containers.
  • 20210414: updated for OpenCV 3.4.14 and 4.5.2, removed cuda_ from build target (and built containers)
  • 20210420: moved base container for CPU builds to be based on Ubuntu 20.04 (from 18.04), limiting GPU TF1 builds to CuDNN7, patching TF1 builds (for Python 3.8 and grpc), all containers provide python 3.8 at minimum.
  • 20210601: Added TF 2.5.0 builds for CUDA 11. Providing both CUDA 11.2 and 11.3 builds, as the Nvidia driver needed to run 11.3 is still in beta (465, with 460 as current stable). v2 tag (same release) includes TF2.5.0 with CUDA 10.2
  • 20210810: Added TF 2.5.1 and OpenCV 3.4.15+4.5.3
  • 20210812: Added TF 2.6.0 and updated CUDA to 11.4.1
  • 20211027: Update OpenCV to 3.4.16+4.5.4
  • 20211029: Update min CUDA 11 version to 11.3 (to match PyTorch requirement), and added a README section about testing PyTorch on GPU
  • 20211220: Added TF 2.6.2 and updated PyTorch. Expected to be last release to built TF1 or Ubuntu 18.04 based images.
  • 20211222: Added TF 2.7.0 with CUDA 11 only, which removed Ubuntu 18.04 base images.
  • 20220103: Updated OpenCV to 4.5.5.
  • 20220308: Updated Jetson directory (renamed from JetsonNano)
  • 20220318: Added TF 2.8.0 and updated PyTorch
  • 20220329: Added jupyter_to and jupyter_cto builds to DockerHub
  • 20220331: Added Unraid specific releases
  • 20220510: Updated base containers, including Nvidia's new package signing key
  • 20220521: Update to TF 2.9.0
  • 20220525: Update to TF 2.9.1
  • 20220530: Building FFmpeg 4.4.2 and PyTorch 1.11 from source
  • 20220815: Update to OpenCV 4.6.0 and PyTorch 1.12.1

tensorflow_opencv (aka to):

  • Builds containers with TensorFlow and OpenCV. Also install, Jupyter, Keras, numpy, pandas, PyTorch and X11 support.
  • Can be used on systems without a Nvidia GPU, and the script will setup proper X11 passthrough
  • for MacOS X11 passthrough, install the latest XQuartz server and activate the Security -> Allow connections from network clients (must logout for it to take effect)
  • Pre-built containers available on DockerHub:

cudnn_tensorflow_opencv (aka cto):

  • Builds an Nvidia GPU optimized version of TensorFlow and OpenCV. Also install, Jupyter, Keras, numpy, pandas, PyTorch and X11 support.
  • As of the 20200615 version, both OpenCV and TensorFlow are compiled within the container.
  • OpenCV integrated additional CUDNN support after October 2019, see CUDA backend for the DNN module.
  • For CUDNN, the CUDA backend for DNN module requires CC 5.3 or higher.
  • Pre-built containers available on DockerHub:

jetson_tensorflow_opencv (see the Jetson directory):

juypter_to (content in the Jupyter_build directory):

  • Jupyter Notebook container built FROM the tensorflow_opencv (to) container.
  • Pre-built containers available on DockerHub:
  • a "user" version (current user's UID and GID are passed to the internal user) can be built using make JN_MODE="-user" jupyter_to

jupyter_cto (content in the Jupyter_build directory):

  • Jupyter Notebook container built FROM the cudnn_tensorflow_opencv (cto) container.
  • Pre-built containers available on DockerHub:
  • a "user" version (current user's UID and GID are passed to the internal user) can be built using make JN_MODE="-user" jupyter_cto

juypter_to-unraid and jupyter_cto-unraid (specialization of the Jupyter_build builds):

  • Jupyter Notebook containers built FROM the tensorflow_opencv (to) and cudnn_tensorflow_opencv (cto) containera with a sudo-capable jupyter user using unraid specific uid and gid. Comes preconfigured with a password for the UI (dmc)
  • Pre-built containers available on DockerHub: and
  • Built using make JN_MODE="-unraid" jupyter_all
  • Unraid's templates published and containers available in Unraid's "Community Applications" as "Jupyter-TensorFlow_OpenCV" and "Jupyter-CuDNN_TensorFlow_OpenCV"

The file is a quick way of seeing the list of pre-built container images. When available, a "BuiidInfo" will give the end user a deeper look of the capabilities of said container and installed version. In particular the compiled GPU architecture (see ). This is useful for you to decide if you would benefit from re-compiling some container(s) for your specific hardware.

It is possible to use those as FROM for your Dockerfile; for example: FROM datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.3.1_2.8.0_4.5.5-2022031

2. Docker images tag naming

The image tags follow the cuda_tensorflow_opencv naming order. As such 10.2_1.15.3_3.4.10-20200615 refers to Cuda 10.2, TensorFlow 1.15.3 and OpenCV 3.4.10.

Docker images are also tagged with a version information for the date (YYYYMMDD) of the Dockerfile against which they were built from, added at the end of the tag string (following a dash character), such that cuda_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.3_3.4.10-20200615 is for the Dockerfile dating June 15th, 2020.

Similarly, the tensorflow_opencv and cudnn_tensorflow_opencv tags follow the same naming convention.

3. Building the images

Building a GPU container requires nvidia-docker and its nvidia container runtime to be the default. To do so, after installation, add "default-runtime": "nvidia" to the /etc/docker/daemon.json configuration file and restarting the docker daemon using sudo systemctl restart docker as described in . You can test it is valid by running docker run --rm -it nvidia/cuda:11.2.1-runtime nvidia-smi from the command line (this command does not have the --runtime nvidia). If you get details on your GPU(s) setup, nvidia is your Default Runtime (use docker info for further details).

Building a CPU image requires the nvidia runtime disabled: comment the default-runtime line above and restart docker.

On GPU build: we do our best effort to specify the GPU architectures; please let us know if some that should be present are missing.

The tag for any image built will contain the datamachines/ organization addition that is found in the publicly released pre-built container images.

Use the provided Makefile by running make to get a list of targets to build:

  • make build_all will build all container images
  • make tensorflow_opencv to build all the tensorflow_opencv container images
  • make cudnn_tensorflow_opencv will build all the cudnn_tensorflow_opencv container images
  • use a direct tag to build a specific version (from the list provided by the call to make); for example make cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0, will build the datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615 container image (if such a built is available, see the Docker Image tag ending and the list of Available Docker images to be built for accurate values).

The will give you quick access to the BuildInfo-OpenCV and BuildInfo-TensorFlow (if available) for a given compilation. Building the image takes time, but we encourage you to modify the Dockerfile to reflect your specific needs. If you run a specific make you will see the values of the parameters passed to the build, simply set their default ARG value to what matches your needs and manually compile, bypassing the make by using a form of docker build --tag="mycto:tag" .

4. A note on supported GPU in the Docker Hub builds

In some cases, a minimum nvidia driver version is needed to run specific version of CUDA, Table 1: CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver Versions and Table 2: CUDA Toolkit and Minimum Compatible Driver Versions as well as the nvidia-smi command on your host will help you determine if a specific version of CUDA will be supported.

It is important to note that not all GPUs are supported in the Docker Hub provided builds. The containers are built for "compute capability (version)" (as defined in the GPU supported Wikipedia page) of 6.0 and above (ie Pascal and above). If you need a different compute capbility, please edit in the Makefile the DNN_ARCH_CUDA matching the one that you need to build and add your architecture. Then type make to see the entire list of containers that the release you have obtained can build and use the exact tag that you want to build to build it locally (on Ubuntu, you will need docker and build-essential installed at least to do this). For example, from the 20210211 release, you can make cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-11.2.0_2.4.1_4.5.1. We can not promise that self built docker image will build or be functional. Building one such container takes a lot of CPU and can take many hours, so we recommend you build only the target you need.

5. Using the container images

The use of the provided script present in the source directory allows users to utilize the built image. Dy default, it will set up the X11 passthrough (for Linux and MacOS) and give the user a /bin/bash prompt within the running container, as well as mount the calling directory as /dmc. A user can test that X11 is functional by using a simple X command such as xlogo from the command line.

To use it, the full name of the container image should be passed as the CONTAINER_ID environment variable. For example, to use datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615, run CONTAINER_ID=datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615 ./ Note that can be called from any location using its full path, so that a user can mount its current working directory as /dmc in the running container in order to access local files. can take multiple arguments; running it without any argument will provide a list of those arguments.

As of Docker 19.03, GPU support is native to the container runtime, as such, we have shifted from the use of nvidia-docker to the native docker [...] --gpus all. We understand not every user want to use all the GPUs installed on his system, as such, to change this option, change the D_GPUS line in the first few lines of to reflect the paramaters that best reflect your system or needs. GPU support is only enabled for the cuda_ and cudnn_ images.

Note that the base container runs as root, if you want to run it as a non root user, add -u $(id -u):$(id -g) to the docker command line but ensure that you have access to the directories you will work in. This can be done using the -e command line option of

6. Additional details

  • About OpenCV and GPU: In cuda_tensorflow_opencv (resp. cudnn_tensorflow_opencv), OpenCV is compiled with CUDA (resp. CUDA+CuDNN support), but note that not all of OpenCV's functions are optimized. This is true in particular for some of the contrib code.

  • A note about opencv-contrib-python: The python version of cv2 built within the container is already built with the "contrib" code (expect the "non free" portion, see the Makefile for additional details). opencv-contrib-python install another version of cv2 (as in import cv2), as such please be aware that you might lose some of the compiled optimizations.

  • Testing GPU availability for TensorFlow: In the test directory, you will find a script. You can test it with a cudnn- container by adapating the following command:

CONTAINER_ID="datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:10.2_1.15.3_4.3.0-20200615" ../ -X -N -c python3 -- /dmc/

7. Examples of use

7.1. Simple OpenCV picture viewer

If a user place a picture (named pic.jpg) in the directory to be mounted as /dmc and the following example script (naming it display_pic.py3)

import numpy as np
import cv2

img = cv2.imread('pic.jpg')
print(img.shape, " ", img.size)
cv2.imshow('image', img)
cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF

, adapting PATH_TO_RUNDOCKER in CONTAINER_ID=datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615 PATH_TO_RUNDOCKER/, from the provided bash interactive shell, when the user runs cd /dmc; python3 display_pic.py3, this will display the picture from the mounted directory on the user's X11 display.

7.1.1. Using OpenCV DNN

This requires a cudnn_tensorflow_opencv container and the use of a form of the --gpus docker options (ex: docker [...] --gpus all [...])

In your python3 code, make sure to ask OpenCV to use a CUDA backend. This can be achived by adding code similar to:

import cv2

net = cv2.dnn.[...]

You can see more details with this OpenCV tutorial: YOLO - object detection

We note that other target are available, for example net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16)

7.2. Using GPU TensorFlow in your code (only for cudnn- versions)

Code written for Tensorflow should follow principles described in

In particular, the following section might be needed to allow proper use of the GPU's memory. In particular:

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
session = tf.Session(config=config, ...)

Note that this often allocates all the GPU memory to one Tensorflow client. If you intend to run multiple Tensorflow containers, limiting the available memory available to the container's Tensorflow can be achieved as described in by instead specifying the percentage of the GPU memory to be used:

config = tf.ConfigProto()
session = tf.Session(config=config, ...)

The built Docker images do NOT install any models, add/build/download your own in your Dockerfile that is FROM datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615

For example:

FROM datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv-10.2_2.2.0_4.3.0-20200615

# Download tensorflow object detection models
RUN GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone -q /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/models

# Install downloaded models
ENV PYTHONPATH "$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/models/research:/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/models/research/slim"
RUN cd /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/models/research && protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

7.3. Using Jupyter-Notebook (A note on exposing ports)

Note: As of 20220329, jupyter_to (FROM tensorflow_opencv) and jupyter_cto (FROM cudnn_tensorflow_opencv) containers (using the root user) following the method listed below are published on DockerHub.

By choice, the core containers built do not expose any ports, or start any services. This is left to the end-user. To start any, the simpler solution is to base a new container FROM one of those containers, expose a port and start said service to be able to access it.

For example, the start and expose Jupyter Notebook (on port 8888) from the cudnn_tensorflow_opencv container, one could write the following Dockerfile and tag it as jupnb:local:

FROM datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.3.1_2.8.0_4.5.5-20220318
CMD jupyter-notebook --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root

, using docker build --tag jupnb:local .

In order to mount weights within the container, or other persistant location for code and such, use one or more -v /local/directory:/container/mount to mount your "local directory" inside the running instance at "container mount" location. In particular, the base FROM container uses /dmc as its WORKDIR, the started notebook will therefore be in this directory. Use -v /path/to/mount:/dmc to make it available as default in the Jupyter Notebook.

Start the built container using a similar command to docker run --gpus all -p 8888:8888 -v /path:/dmc jupnb:local to: 1) use the GPUs (only availble in the to build), 2) publish the container's port 8888 to the local system's port 8888, 3) mount /path as /dmc within the container. When the container is started, an based URL will shown with the access token. Using this url in a web browser will grant access to the running instance of Jupyter Notebook.

To exit Jupyter Notebook, you can either docker kill the running instance of press the Quit button within the WebUI.

7.3.1. Build of an allow-root Jupyter Notebook container

An --allow-root container is what the make jupyter_to or make jupyter_cto command lines are designed to do. They will docker build the Jupyter_build/Dockerfile using a recent FROM (as listed on the output of make). This is an --allow-root ran Jupyter Notebook ran within the container. This is the container we have started building and releasing on DockerHub as of 20220329.

7.3.2. Build of a user permission Jupyter Notebook container

Note: this is mostly for Linux builds, volumes mounted on MacOS's Docker Desktop are done so using the user's permissions.

We support the build of user permission Jupyter Notebook; ie a build where a sudo-capable jupyter user with specific uid and gid is used within the container to use the Jupyter Notebook. To support this, we created a Jupyter_build/Dockerfile-user.

This container will be named jupyter_to-user and requires a manual build which is started using (similar process for the _cto version)

 make jupyter_to JN_MODE="-user"

By default, the build will obtain the make user's uid and gid and use those when creating the jupyter user within the container. This is to support easy permission management of data mounted within the container at runtime.

If you prefer to control the jupyter user's uid and gid, specify those on the command line at build time:

make jupyter_to JN_MODE="-user" JN_UID="1001" JN_GID="1002"

Please note that the tool will not check if the uid or gid are valid or compatible with the container's base image (Ubuntu).

It is also possible to manually control the FROM image to be another to or cto release by replacing the JUPBC docker build argument; the Makefile is here as a convenience to build versions for the same release. For example to build a jupyter_to-user:2.8.0_3.4.16 image, with 1003 as the jupyter user's uid and gid:

cd Jupyter_build; docker build --build-arg JUPBC="datamachines/tensorflow_opencv:2.8.0_3.4.16-20220318" --build-arg JUID=1003 --build-arg JGID=1003 -f Dockerfile-user --tag="jupyter_to-user:2.8.0_3.4.16" .

7.3.3. Build of an Unraid specific Jupyter Notebook container

Note: this build is designed to run on an server, it specialized the "user" build by using Unraid's specific uid and gid and uses a default password for the WebUI.

Build the to and cto versions using one of:

make jupyter_to JN_MODE="-unraid"
make jupyter_cto JN_MODE="-unraid"

This version uses a default user password (dmc) when started.

7.4. Testing Yolo v4 on your webcam (Linux and GPU only)

It is possible to run Yolov4 using a custom container and building it from source.

In this example we will build YOLOv4, enabling GPUs (61, 75 and 86 compute), CUDNN, OPENCV, OPENMP, the generation of the which can be used by the example.

Copy the following lines in a Dockerfile

FROM datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.3.1_2.7.0_4.5.5-20220103

RUN mkdir -p /darknet \
    && wget -q --no-check-certificate -c -O - | tar --strip-components=1 -xz -C /darknet \
    && cd /darknet \
    && perl -i.bak -pe 's%^(GPU|CUDNN|OPENCV|OPENMP|LIBSO)=0%$1=1%g;s%(compute\_61\])%$1 -gencode arch=compute_75,code=[sm_75,compute_75] -gencode arch=compute_86,code=[sm_86,compute_86]%' Makefile \
    && make

WORKDIR /darknet
CMD /bin/bash

In the same directory where the Dockerfile is, build it using docker build --tag "cto_darknet:local" .

Once build is completed, download from the cfg-file and weights-file you intend to use, for our examples, we use yolov4.cfg and yolov4.weights.

From the directory where both files are, run (adapt RUNDOCKERDIR with the location of the script):

CONTAINER_ID="cto_darknet:local" RUNDOCKERDIR/ -e "--privileged -v /dev/video0:/dev/video0" -c /bin/bash

, here we are telling the script to pass to the docker command line extra (-e) paramaters to run in privileged mode (for hardware access) and pass the webcam device (/dev/video0) to the container. By default, this command will also enable X11 display passthrough and mount the current directory (where the cfg and weights are) as /dmc.

Because the cfg/weights are accesible in /dmc and X11 and webcam can be accessed, running the following command within the newly started container (which started in /darknet) will start your webcam (video0) and run Yolo v4 on what it sees:

./darknet detector demo cfg/ /dmc/yolov4.cfg /dmc/yolov4.weights

For developers, in /darknet you will also have the which is needed to use python3 with and

7.4.1. Darknet Python bindings

Darknet provides direct python bindings at this point in the form of and To test those, you have nothing to do but use the previously built container (cto_darknet:local) and run/adapt the following examples (in the default work directory, ie /darknet): example using one of the provided images:

python3 --weights /dmc/yolov4.weights --config_file /dmc/yolov4.cfg --input data/horses.jpg example using webcam:

python3 --weights /dmc/yolov4.weights --config_file /dmc/yolov4.cfg example using video file:

python3 --weights /dmc/yolov4.weights --config_file /dmc/yolov4.cfg --input /dmc/video.mp4

Note: the .py source code takes additional options, run with -h to get the command line help

7.5. Testing PyTorch with CUDA

PyTorch provides examples to test it. Those can be found at

Here we will test the "Super Resolution" example (for more details, see

In the directory where the source for cuda_tensorflow_opencv is:

# First, obtain a copy of the examples
git clone --depth 1 pytorch-examples
# Start a recent container (adapt the CONTAINER_ID for your test), this will mount the current working directory as /dmc
CONTAINER_ID="datamachines/cudnn_tensorflow_opencv:11.3.1_2.6.0_4.5.4-20211029" ./
# Go into the super resolution example directory
cd pytorch-examples/super_resolution
# Train the model (command line copied from the example, will download the dataset the first time) on GPU (remove the --cuda to use CPU)
python --upscale_factor 3 --batchSize 4 --testBatchSize 100 --nEpochs 30 --lr 0.001 --cuda
# Test the trained super resolver (also copied from example on GPU
python --input_image dataset/BSDS300/images/test/16077.jpg --model model_epoch_30.pth --output_filename out.png --cuda
# Note1: If you train on GPU you need to test on GPU: ie make sure to use the --cuda in both command lines
# Note2: You can "time python" to see the speedup from your GPU (using --cuda) versus your CPU (without the --cuda)