organized import
organized import
Reverted Key type to String on the producers hashmap
Reverted Key type to String on the producers hashmap
Added test for checking in factory.
Added test for checking in factory.
updated to default specifier for the newly introduced PulsarMessageTe…
updated to default specifier for the newly introduced PulsarMessageTe…
session createsProducers and switches between temporary or normal
session createsProducers and switches between temporary or normal
Added flag for using Temporary Producers
Added flag for using Temporary Producers
Added Temporary Producers and closing logic for them.
Added Temporary Producers and closing logic for them.
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating by adding the depend…
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating by adding the depend…
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating
updating to using pulsarAdmin at createReaderForBrowserForNonPartitio…
updating to using pulsarAdmin at createReaderForBrowserForNonPartitio…
Initial update to using pulsarAdmin instance variable directly
Initial update to using pulsarAdmin instance variable directly
Added Pulsar-Client-shaded module with a different artifact name to f…
Added Pulsar-Client-shaded module with a different artifact name to f…
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.2
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.2
updated spring example to run in java 17 as jakarta and java 17 intro…
updated spring example to run in java 17 as jakarta and java 17 intro…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Separated modules for Pulsar-JMS so that broker side filters only exe…
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into deferred-pulsar-adm…
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into deferred-pulsar-adm…
Reverted pulsar version to 3.2.2 while fixing avro vulnerability
Reverted pulsar version to 3.2.2 while fixing avro vulnerability
Defer PulsarAdmin creation to solve SpringBoot initialization problems
Defer PulsarAdmin creation to solve SpringBoot initialization problems