Deployment is one the Key part of Running an Application.This policiy ensures whether K8's Admins Applied Correct Configuration for RollingUpdateDeployment.
This policy helps to enforce the following deployment best practices:
Mentioning Rolling Update can be used to adjust the parameters
in Manifest File
define how many pod we can add at a time during the rolling updatemaxUnavailable
define how many pod can be unavailable during the rolling update
A different Deployment Strategy
value is used:
replicas: 3
type: Recreate
OR If maxSurge
or maxUnavailable
are missing
replicas: 3
type: RollingUpdate
If Deployment of New Version is Messed up to Roll Back to the Previous Version We Use Kubectl
commands and to get previous History of Deployment we can add revisionHistoryLimit
in Manifest Files to get previous versions upto certain versions
wasn't set to an Integer
revisionHistoryLimit: NA
Avinash \ Avinash