gwent-classic Public
Forked from asundr/gwent-classicBrowser remake of the original Gwent minigame from The Witcher 3.
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 30, 2023 -
healthcheck Public
a node utility that checks a url for status code
vision2020 Public archive
call for art/artists app for Burien Arts Vision 20/20 - 2018
HTML UpdatedApr 10, 2019 -
gf-cut-settings Public archive
Forked from KatieK2/gf-cut-settingsRecord of cut settings and results for various non-standard media on the Glowforge laser cutter.
UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
snippets Public
Random stuff I've done at one point or another. These things were highly situational and were created to solve one problem only. More often than not, the right solutions weren't possible for whatev…
bad-package-manager Public
it's a package manager that just checks out what you tell it to
grunt-surge-starter Public archive
starter pack that gets you setup and running with grunt and surge
cakephp-typogrify-helper Public archive
Typogrify for the CakePHP framework