NodeBB Public
Forked from NodeBB/NodeBBA forum powered by node in development by designcreateplay
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2024 -
bolsas.istecni.co Public
A information retrieval system for IST, UTL student get notified about new scholarships that are available
awesome-hacking-locations Public
💻 ☕ List of Awesome Hacking Locations, organised by Country and City, listing if it features power and wifi
p2p-ray-tracer Public
Ray Tracing powered by the Web Platform, running distributed over IPFS Network
ipfs-crawler Public
Forked from trudi-group/ipfs-crawlerA crawler for the IPFS network, code for our paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.07747). Also holds scripts to evaluate the obtained data and make similar plots as in the paper.
simple-raytracer Public
simple-raytracer works as a standalone version of the JS raytracer found in distracer.io, which was inspired by jsRayTracer. It's purpose is to offer a simple raytracing interface that can be run l…
storage-fsm Public
Forked from filecoin-project/storage-fsmA finite state machine used for sector storage
Go Other UpdatedAug 13, 2020 -
node-meatspace Public
Forked from knode/node-meatspaceNode.js community resource for encouraging and promoting in-person events.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2020 -
issue-tracker Public
github issues tracker, streak style
seshata Public
seshat is a new way to document your API, without documenting anything at all! Just let your users try it, live!
blog-maker Public
Blog generator from .md post files, highly inspired from blog.nodejs.org
webrtc-ring Public
Chord inspired ring DHT algorithm using WebRTC as transport layer for P2P in the browser
simple-websocket-server Public
WebSockets server that mimics the Node.js `net` module API, yielding duplex streams instead of the 'onmessage/send' WebSockets API. Compatible with simple-websocket (https://github.com/feross/simpl…
webcrypto Public
WebCryptoAPI polyfil to work in Node.js in the Browser (so that you don't have to be concerned about moving crypto code between a browser and server side app)
webrtc-explorer Public
🌍 P2P Network Routing Overlay designed for the Web platform (browsers)
pull-ndjson Public
A pull-streams ndjson parser and serializer, inspired by and compatible with [ndjson](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ndjson).