A Gatsby Starter that would allow you to very quickly spin up a non-profit donation site with Stripe integration. Built on top of Gatsby's default starter and using theme-ui
Run this in terminal:
gatsby new my-non-profit-site https://github.com/dayhaysoos/gatsby-starter-stripe-non-profit.git
Get your Stripe API keys from here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys
Create two files for environment variables
For test keys: .env.development
For live keys .env.production
Provide the lines below to either of the .env files
You'll see a file called gatsby-config.js
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-stripe-non-profit',
options: {
stripePublicKey: process.env.STRIPE_API_PUBLIC,
successUrl: 'https://resilientcoders.netlify.com/thank-you',
You might want to change `successUrl` to point to a thank you page to redirect to, for example
## Styling
This starter uses theme-ui under the hood, as well theme-ui components.
If you'd like to change the colors you can go to `gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js`
You'll see:
export default merge(baseTheme, {
colors: {
primary: '#ed1b24',
secondary: '#21262D',
text: '#fff',
// default styles
planList: {
button: {
lastClicked: {
backgroundColor: 'primary',
color: 'text',
notClicked: {
backgroundColor: 'muted',
color: 'gray',
Feel freel to change primary, secondary and text colors, if you need more than this, you can refer to the theme-ui docs to see what other values are under the hood: