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Payment Providers

Providers supported by use-shopping-cart are listed below. This library supports these providers in the sense that use-shopping-cart will do its best to format the items in the cart into an acceptable format for use with that provider. That being said, for use-shopping-cart to be able to, or even need to, support a payment provider, the provider needs to allow the usage of individual line items (like on a receipt) as opposed to a single payment sum (see WeChat's payment API for an example of that).

Potentially Supported Providers


Checkout Session

The Checkout Session mode is characterized by needing the web page or app to send the data to your server to create a Checkout Session that allows your customer to go to a checkout page with the items that were in their cart.

Payment Modes

These are the three different modes of payment that a Checkout Session can have.

  • payment - Accept one-time payments for cards, iDEAL, and more.
  • setup - Save payment details to charge your customers later.
  • subscription - Use Stripe Billing to set up fixed-price subscriptions.
    • It should be noted that you can also create a Payment Link to create a hyperlink to Stripe's checkout for a cart that you created for them (no code solution). Would be useful for things like subscriptions.
  mode: 'payment' | 'setup' | 'subscription',
  success_url: string,
  cancel_url: string,

  line_items: Array<
      // The ID of the Price or Plan object. Use this or price_data but not both.
      price: string,
      // Used to create generate a new Price object inline.
      price_data: Price,
      quantity: number,
      description?: string,
      // See the following page for more on tax_rates:
      tax_rates?: TaxRate[],
      // Tax rates applied depending on the customer's billing/shipping country. TODO: figure out the shape of this object.
      dynamic_tax_rate?: unknown,
      // Allows the customer to adjust the quantity of this item during checkout.
      adjustable_quantity?: { enabled: boolean, minimum?: number, maximum?: number, },
  automatic_tax?: unknown,

  // Unique ID to reference the Checkout Session (e.g. customer ID, cart ID, etc.). Can be used to reconcile the session with your internal systems.
  client_reference_id?: string,
  // ID of an existing Customer, if one exists.
  customer?: string,
  // Used when creating the Customer object in Stripe.
  customer_email?: string,
  // Key-value pairs attached to a line-item, can be useful for storing additional information.
  metadata?: object,

  // Accepted payment methods for this Checkout Session.
  payment_method_types?: Array<'card' | 'acss_debit' | 'afterpay_clearpay' | 'alipay' | 'au_becs_debit' | 'bacs_debit' | 'bancontact' | 'boleto' | 'eps' | 'fpx' | 'giropay' | 'grabpay' | 'ideal' | 'klarna' | 'oxxo' | 'p24' | 'sepa_debit' | 'sofort' | 'wechat_pay'>,
  allow_promotion_codes?: unknown,
  // Auto means they will only collect the billing address when necessary. Auto is default.
  billing_address_collection?: 'auto' | 'required',
  // Array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries to show as options for shipping at checkout.
  shipping_address_collection?: { allowed_countries: string[], },
  shipping_options?: {
    // ID of the shipping rate in Stripe. Use this or shipping_rate_data but not both.
    shipping_rate: string,
    // Used to generate a Shipping Rate object inline.
    shipping_rate_data: ShippingRate,

  // Used to generate a Subscription (subscription mode only).
  subscription_data?: Subscription,

  // Describes the type of transaction being performed so that Stripe can customize relevant text on the checkout page (payment mode only).
  submit_type?: 'auto' | 'pay' | 'book' | 'donate',
  // Allows collection of customer consent for promotional communications (U.S. only).
  consent_collection?: { promotions?: 'auto' },

  after_expiration?: { recovery: { enabled: boolean, allow_promotion_codes?: boolean, }, },
  customer_creation?: 'if_required' | 'always',
  customer_update?: { address?: 'auto' | 'never', name?: 'auto' | 'never', shipping?: 'auto' | 'never', },
  discounts?: { coupon?: string, promotion_code?: string, },
  // Format is the epoch time in seconds??? Defaults to 24 hours from creation.
  expires_at?: unknown,
  // IETF language tag used to localize Stripe's checkout page. Default is auto.
  locale?: string,
  payment_intent_data?: PaymentIntent,
  // Payment-method-specific configuration.
  payment_method_options?: { acss_debit?: AcssDebitOptions, boleto?: BoletoOptions, oxxo?: OxxoOptions, wechat_pay?: WeChatPayOptions, },
  phone_number_collection?: { enabled: boolean, },
  setup_intent_data?: { description?: string, metadata?: object, on_behalf_of?: string, },
  tax_id_collection?: { enabled: boolean, },


The Client-Only mode is characterized by defining your products directly in the Stripe Dashboard and then referencing them by ID on the client-side, where you'll send the checkout options through stripe.redirectToCheckout(options). Has several limitations listed on the Stripe Docs.

This mode only allows two payment modes, payment or subscription.

  mode: 'payment' | 'subscription'
  lineItems: Array<{
    // The ID of the price to purchase or subscribe to (may also be SKU or plan).
    price: string,
    quantity: number,
  successUrl: string,
  cancelUrl: string,
  // Unique ID to reference the Checkout Session (e.g. customer ID, cart ID, etc.). Can be used to reconcile the session with your internal systems.
  client_reference_id?: string,
  // Used when creating the Customer object in Stripe.
  customer_email?: string,
  // Auto means they will only collect the billing address when necessary. Auto is default.
  billing_address_collection?: 'auto' | 'required',
  // Array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries to show as options for shipping at checkout.
  shipping_address_collection?: { allowed_countries: string[], },
  // IETF language tag used to localize Stripe's checkout page. Default is auto.
  locale: string,
  // Describes the type of transaction being performed so that Stripe can customize relevant text on the checkout page (payment mode only).
  submitType?: 'auto' | 'pay' | 'book' | 'donate',


Right-side under .order.line_items


Listed as purchase_units and purchase_unit_request



Under example order details object, listed as .items


Right-side under response JSON, listed as .checkout.order.line_items

Yet to be Checked Providers

  • PayWay
  • Blockonomics
  • Adyen
  • Zip
  • Instore payments
  • Paystack
  • RavePay

Unsupported Providers

WeChat Pay

No way to help here. They do not appear to support a cart system, only direct amounts. I would suggest using the use-shopping-cart without a provider. Stripe actually supports WeChat Pay as a payment option though.