A lightweight implementation of Clojure-style multimethods for JavaScript in under 30 lines of code. Define functions that dispatch to different implementations based on runtime values.
npm install tiny-multimethods
import { defmulti, DEFAULT } from 'tiny-multimethods';
// Create a multimethod that dispatches based on shape type
const calculateArea = defmulti(
shape => shape.type,
['circle', shape => Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2],
['rectangle', shape => shape.width * shape.height],
[DEFAULT, shape => {
throw new Error(`Can't calculate area of ${shape.type}`);
// Use it
console.log(calculateArea({ type: 'circle', radius: 5 })); // 78.54...
console.log(calculateArea({ type: 'rectangle', width: 4, height: 3 })); // 12
// Add new methods dynamically
calculateArea.addMethod('triangle', shape =>
(shape.base * shape.height) / 2
- 🪶 Lightweight: Less than 30 lines of code
- 🎯 Flexible dispatch: Use any function to determine which method to call
- 🔌 Extensible: Add new methods at runtime
- 🛟 Default cases: Handle unknown values gracefully
Creates a new multimethod using the provided dispatch function and method implementations.
: Function that takes an argument and returns a dispatch value...methods
: Array of[dispatchValue, implementation]
Returns: A function that will dispatch to the appropriate method based on the dispatch function's result.
A special symbol used to define default method implementations.
const renderContent = defmulti(
content => content.type,
['text', content => `<p>${content.value}</p>`],
['image', content => `<img src="${content.url}" alt="${content.alt || ''}">`],
['video', content => `
<video controls>
<source src="${content.url}" type="video/mp4">
[DEFAULT, content => `<div>Unsupported content type: ${content.type}</div>`]
// Usage
renderContent({ type: 'text', value: 'Hello World' });
// <p>Hello World</p>
const notifyUser = defmulti(
notification => notification.priority,
['high', n => {
console.log('🚨 URGENT:', n.message);
return 'high-priority-handled';
['medium', n => {
console.log('ℹ️ NOTICE:', n.message);
return 'medium-priority-handled';
['low', n => {
console.log('📝 FYI:', n.message);
return 'low-priority-handled';
notifyUser({ priority: 'high', message: 'System is down!' });
// 🚨 URGENT: System is down!
const calculateShipping = defmulti(
// Dispatch based on multiple factors
order => `${order.method}-${order.type}`,
['express-fragile', order => {
const baseCost = order.weight * 0.1 + order.distance * 0.05;
return baseCost * 2.5 + 15; // Extra handling + insurance
['standard-regular', order => {
return order.weight * 0.1 + order.distance * 0.05;
const processor = defmulti(
data => data.version,
['v1', data => ({ ...data, upgraded: true })]
// inspect available methods
// => ['v1']
// Add support for new version later
processor.addMethod('v2', data => ({
upgraded: true,
timestamp: Date.now()
// observe new method is available
// => ['v1', 'v2']
- Clean Code Organization: Group related implementations together instead of scattered if/else statements
- Runtime Extensibility: Add new behaviors without modifying existing code
- Simple but Powerful: Lightweight implementation that handles most common use cases
- Flexible Dispatch: Use any function to determine which implementation to use
This implementation is inspired by Clojure's multimethod system, bringing similar capabilities to JavaScript in a lightweight package.
Issues and pull requests are welcome! Feel free to contribute to make this tiny utility even better.