We'd like to maintain a list of other design systems that might be interesting for research and inspiration. And even also add some meta information especially on technical aspects.
- Telekom Scale, Tech Stack:
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Storybook
- SBB / Lyne Components, Tech Stack:
- Web Components /
StencilJSLit - Storybook
- Web Components /
- SBB / Websites & SBB / Webapps
- SNCF Design System, Tech Stack (among others):
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Storybook
- IBM / Carbon Design System
- Material Web
- Web Components
- NS.nl / Platform
- Liquid Oxygen, UI component library for the Liquid Design System of Merck KGaA
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Porsche Design System
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Barmer Puls Design System
- React Native
- Storybook
- SAP UI5 Web Components
- Audi Design System
- React
- DHL Design System
- React
- Netherlands government, Tech Stack (among others):
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Storybook
- wien.gv.at
- HTML & CSS first
- JavaScript only as an addition, mainly because of that the target are content pages even only
- Web Components (upcoming)
- "Informationstechnikzentrum Bund" Germany / KoliBri steht für "Komponentenbibliothek für die Barrierefreiheit"
- Web Components / StencilJS
- Washington Post Design System (WPDS)
- React
- GOV.UK Design System
- Paste