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Apache 2.0 license badge code style: prettier Conventional Commits PRs Welcome

A web-component library containing all components of DB UX Design System (technical components).


npm i @db-ux/wc-core-components

Note: This will install @db-ux/core-foundations and @db-ux/core-components as well which contains the css/scss files

Styling Dependencies

Import the styles in scss or css. Based on your technology the file names could be different.

  • Default (relative): points to ../assets
  • Rollup (rollup): points to @db-ux/core-foundations/assets
  • Webpack (webpack): points to ~@db-ux/core-foundations/assets
// index.scss
@forward "@db-ux/core-components/build/styles/rollup";
// main.js
import "@db-ux/core-components/build/styles/rollup.css";

Note: The @db-ux/core-components/build/styles/relative file contains optional and all components styles. If you consider performance issues see @db-ux/core-components for more information.

DB Theme

In case that you're building a website or application for Deutsche Bahn, you'll additionally have to install the DB Theme via the @db-ux/db-theme node package (even also available as an inner source node package, as described within that packages README).


// main.js
import { defineCustomElements } from "@db-ux/wc-core-components";
<db-button icon="x_placeholder">Test</db-button>

VSCode autocomplete

If you don't have it already, add a VS Code settings folder and file at the root of your project - .vscode/settings.json. Then add or append the following code:

	"html.customData": [

Deutsche Bahn brand

As we'd like to perfectly support our users and customers on their digital journey, the usage of Deutsche Bahn brand and trademarks are bound of clear guidelines and restrictions even if being used with the code that we're providing with this product; Deutsche Bahn fully reserves all rights regarding the Deutsche Bahn brand, even though that we're providing the code of DB UX Design System products free to use and release it under the Apache 2.0 license. Please have a look at our brand portal at for any further questions and whom to contact on any brand issues.

For any usage outside of Deutsche Bahn websites and applications you aren't allowed to use any Deutsche Bahn brand and design assets as well as protected characteristics and trademarks, that for not including the DB Theme.


Contributions are very welcome, please refer to the contribution guide.

Code of conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone – have a look at our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


This project is licensed under Apache-2.0.