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CloudBeaver Enterprise deployment

Version 25.0

CloudBeaver Enterprise is a client-server application. It requires server deployment. You can deploy it on a single host (e.g. your local computer) or in a cloud.

Installation with Docker Compose

It is the simplest way to install CloudBeaver Enterprise Edition.
All you need is a Linux, macOS, or Windows machine with Docker.

CloudBeaver can be run in a single docker container.
However you can use Docker compose for additional product features such as:

  • Load balancing
  • Easy web server (HTTPS) configuration

System requirements

  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • Minimum 50GB storage, > 100GB recommended
  • Ubuntu recommended
  • Docker installed. Make sure you have chosen the right OS distro.
  • docker-compose binary installed and added to your PATH variable. Supported versions 2.10 and above
    • If you install docker-compose-plugin, you must use the docker compose command instead of docker-compose.

User and permissions changes

Starting from CloudBeaver v25.0 process inside the container now runs as the ‘dbeaver’ user (‘UID=8978’), instead of ‘root’.
If a user with ‘UID=8978’ already exists in your environment, permission conflicts may occur.
Additionally, the default Docker volumes directory’s ownership has changed.
Previously, the volumes were owned by the ‘root’ user, but now they are owned by the ‘dbeaver’ user (‘UID=8978’).

Configuring and starting the CloudBeaver cluster

  1. Clone repository
    git clone
  2. Open the configuration file
    • Edit the .env file to set configuration properties
    • It is highly recommended to change the default database password in CLOUDBEAVER_DB_PASSWORD variable
  3. Start the cluster
    • docker-compose up -d or docker compose up -d
  4. Ensure the following TCP ports are available in your network stack
    • 80/tcp
    • 443/tcp (for HTTPS access)
  5. Open http://<deployment-machine-ip-address> to access the app. This URL will open the admin panel when the app is first started.

Stopping the cluster

docker-compose down

Configuring SSL (HTTPS)

There are two ways to configure SSL:

  1. You can configure HTTPS automatically in the admin panel.
    In this case your server domain address will be <deployment-domain>.<organization-domain>
    You can setup organization and deployment domains.
  2. You can issue you own SSL cenrtificate and configure it manually by editing nginx config.

Podman requirements

as user root run following commands before Configuring and starting the CloudBeaver cluster:

  1. loginctl enable-linger 1000
  2. echo 'net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  3. sysctl -p

on step 4 of Configuring and starting the CloudBeaver cluster use podman-compose tool intead of docker-compose and on step 4 define compose file name:

podman-compose -f podman-compose.yml up -d

or replace docker-compose.yml with podman-compose.yml and use podman-compose without compose project definition

Updating the cluster

  1. Replace the value of CLOUDBEAVER_VERSION_TAG in .env with a preferred version. If you use the tag latest, you don't need to do anything during this step.
  2. Pull new docker images: docker-compose pull or docker compose pull
  3. Restart the cluster: docker-compose up -d or docker compose up -d

Older versions: