Tags: dbsystel/nrjavaserial
[dbsystel] Add pom.xml Usually, Gradle’s `maven-publish` plug-in is responsible for generating a POM file dynamically at build time. However, thanks to the excellent work of @MrDOS and others, upstream's Gradle-6-based process is currently being replaced [1] by a Gradle-8-based one. The latter uses a different, more convenient method to generate the POM. In DB Systel’s fork, we’re not going to adopt that Gradle-8-based build process for production until upstream PR NeuronRobotics#238 is properly tested, merged, and included in a stable upstream release. Given that we need to get two critical bugfixes that we’ve cherry-picked into production quickly, we’re going to accept some duplication and commit the POM to Git for the time being. [1]: NeuronRobotics#238
Device Removed Event Added I am kinda excited, this is the first new feature added to RXTX in 11 years! it also happens to fix a 15 year old bug, present in the library since USB to serial adapters were invented. The original developers never imagined the event of removing hardware, because back then Serial ports were built into the processor and could never be removed or added. This feature will now add a user level event when the hardware is removed. The user can then perform a shutdown procedure, since a connection will be needed after the hardware is removed. This also causes the Monitor thread that used to become a zombie to die properly.