Update to pg_partman 5.1.0 and add Postgres 17 support
Update to pg_partman 5.1.0 and add Postgres 17 support
Pull request merge
Merge branch 'main' into update-versions
Merge branch 'main' into update-versions
Merge branch 'main' into update-versions
Merge branch 'main' into update-versions
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Pull request merge
Update to pg_partman 5.1.0 and add Postgres 17 support
Update to pg_partman 5.1.0 and add Postgres 17 support
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
New approach with pushing the images in any case and retagging them o…
Force push
Add test to the pipeline before pushing the image
Add test to the pipeline before pushing the image
Add test to the pipeline before pushing the image
Add test to the pipeline before pushing the image
fix missing -y for newest cosign version
fix missing -y for newest cosign version
Pull request merge
fix missing -y for newest cosign version
fix missing -y for newest cosign version