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Launchpad PPAs only keep the newest version of a package (per Ubuntu release); older versions are simply deleted. If you need an older version of a deadsnakes package, you can build it from the source repository.

The following instructions assume you started from a regular installation of the distribution release that you're building for. You can cross-build packages using pbuilder, but that's out of the scope of these instructions.

Build Dependencies

If you add the appropriate deadsnakes PPA to the system and then run apt-get update, you can simply run apt-get build-dep <packagename> to install the build dependencies for a package. Otherwise, the build commands will complain if you're missing a build dependency; simply install the missing packages manually.

Getting the Source

  1. Install the following packages:

    sudo apt-get install devscripts git git-buildpackage
  2. Find the repository for the package you want to build (list) and clone it:

    git clone<X.Y>.git
    cd python<X.Y>
  3. Find the tag that corresponds to the exact package version you want to build. Always pick the package for the distribution you're targeting; every package version contains the code name of the distribution it's for. Check out the tagged revision:

    git checkout <tagname>

The form of the tag name determines the commands to use for building:

  • if the tag has the form debian/<pkgversion>: continue to the Building section.
  • otherwise, if the tag has the form python<X.Y>_<pkgversion>: see the Legacy Building section.


  1. Run:

    gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-branch

    On older distributions, the gbp command may not exist. In that case, run:

    git buildpackage --git-ignore-branch

    The command may ultimately fail with an error because it can't find the correct private GPG key to sign the source package. The binary packages should still have been created and the error can be ignored.

  2. The binary packages can be found in the parent directory.

Legacy Building

To build from an old version imported into a Git repository, you need to create an upstream tarball.

  1. Find the matching upstream tag; this will be of the form python<X.Y>_<X.Y.Z>. Check out that tag:

    git checkout python<X.Y>_<X.Y.Z>
  2. Run:

    tar czf ../python<X.Y>_<X.Y.Z>.orig.tar.gz .
  3. Check out to the package tag you determined before.

  4. Run:


    The binary packages will be created in the parent directory.