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πŸπŸ€“πŸ”¨ When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a dev.


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Py Dev Hammer

🐍 πŸ€“ πŸ”¨
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a dev.


Py Dev Hammer is a collection of tools to help in developing Python applications.

This pre-alpha release contains a single tool. It is a Continuous Integration helper which performs dynamic and static code analysis on your project and POSTs the results to GitHub as statuses.

See road map for further release plans. The first item is to use AWS CloudFormation to make most of this document redundant. As the project progresses this README will reference other READMEs instead of detailing everything.




Note: this guide attempts to keep specific references to third-party tools to a minimum as they are very likely to change. Use your intuition and please get in contact if there are glaring problems and/or you want to buy me a beer. The latter is recommended.


To enable Continuous Integration of your commits, GitHub communicates with AWS CodeBuild via Webhooks. For ease of use you can set this up in the GitHub UI rather than using the API. The following options should be used:

  • Payload URL: https://codebuild.{your-aws-region}
  • Content type: application/json
  • Secret: Create a secure secret
  • SSL verification: Enable
  • Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?: Just the push event.
  • Active: Ticked

You will link CodeBuild to GitHub next.



You must configure your build to integrate with GitHub. For the Source provider option choose GitHub then Connect to GitHub. Follow the authentication path then pick the source repository.

The following options should be used:

  • Report build status: Ticked
  • Webhook: Ticked
  • Branch filter: Leave blank (Build them all!)
  • Build Badge: Ticked
  • Build specification: Use the buildspec.yml in the source code root directory
  • Buildspec name: buildspec.yml
  • Service role: Create a service role in your account


To maintain the state of multiple builds, a DynamoDB table with a partition and sort key needs to be created. The example app file uses the following values:

    table_name: 'build-status'
    partition_key_name: 'branch_name'
    sort_key_name: 'build_start_time'

The primary partition key is a String and the primary sort key is a Number.

Systems Manager (SSM)

To POST to GitHub a github_owner and github_token are required. These are to be kept in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as type SecureString.


You will be creating an IAM service role when configuring CodeBuild.


Two configuration files are required for the scripts: app and user. Examples are located at examples/app_config.example.yml and examples/user_config.example.yml.


The example app config can be copied and used as is, however you may want to remove some of the test types under tests_to_run and note that your buildspec.yml will need to be adjusted to match.


The example user config should be modified to suit your GitHub and AWS project details.


To POST securely to GitHub (as you are sending your GitHub token over the Internet) a certificate must be used. Pass your file path as an environment variable CERTIFICATE_FILE. Alternatively you can use the third-party Python module certifi to generate this. The script will look for the environment variable first and fall back to using certifi.where().

Environment variables

A number of environment variables must be set for the CodeBuild environment via the buildspec.yml file.

This variable is set automatically by AWS CodeBuild:


These variables are used by the scripts of this project:
(Note: the back-ticks are important as this is BASH-land)

  • PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
  • CONFIG_DIR=/path/to/your/config/dir
  • CERTIFICATE_FILE=/path/to/your/cert.file (Note: optional)
  • CODEBUILD_GIT_BRANCH=`git branch -a --contains HEAD | sed -n 2p | awk '{ printf $1 }'`
    (Note: deprecation warning; will be sourced from within Python in future releases)

This variable is used by CodeBuild:

  • TESTS_DIR=$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/path/to/your/tests/results/dir
    (Note: this is the test directory for your project, not this project)


pip install pydevhammer


Create a Python file to run the scripts from the command line via buildspec.yml. An example file can be found in examples/

To use CodeBuild with the above AWS config, you will need to create a buildspec.yml file. An example file is located in examples/buildspec.yml. The build section of that file is where you will call the tests_to_run.

Road Map

  • Set up all AWS resources with CloudFormation (who wants to read this README?)
  • reStructuredText to Markdown converter (mostly already written)
  • Visualisation of the toolkit with dashboards (need more tools in the old toolkit first)
  • Dockerising things (that should be Dockerised)
  • Monitoring (comings and goings of electrons)
  • Other cool things I'm sure (fingers crossed)