Starred repositories
This repository started out as a learning in public project for myself and has now become a structured learning map for many in the community. We have 3 years under our belt covering all things Dev…
⛽️「算法通关手册」:超详细的「算法与数据结构」基础讲解教程,从零基础开始学习算法知识,850+ 道「LeetCode 题目」详细解析,200 道「大厂面试热门题目」。
The API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time K8s protocol-level visibility, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and clu…
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。
LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.
An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
A simple and component-based microservice kit for go. 一个简单的基于组件的 Go 微服务套件。
A CAD application for creating virtual LEGO models
Lecture notes, projects and other materials for Course 'CS205 C/C++ Program Design' at Southern University of Science and Technology.
Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is the AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The leading open source Notion alternative.
Web app for Scrapyd cluster management, Scrapy log analysis & visualization, Auto packaging, Timer tasks, Monitor & Alert, and Mobile UI. Docs 文档 👉
Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架
🐳 A most popular sql audit platform for mysql
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable Redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac.
Book of Elementary Functional Algorithms and Data structures
Best microservices framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo, but with more features, Scale easily. Try it. Test it. If you feel it's better, use it! 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐚有𝐝𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨, 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠有𝐫𝐩𝐜𝐱! build for cloud!
微信、支付宝、通联支付、拉卡拉、PayPal、Apple 的Go版本SDK。【极简、易用的聚合支付SDK】
🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 3000+ Design Tokens, easy to build your design system. Make Semi Design to Any Design. 🧑🏻💻 Design to Code…