A ruby client for connecting to Alegra's API.
Please check the official API documentation here
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'alegra'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install alegra
require 'alegra'
client = Alegra::Client.new('youremail@test.com', 'your-private-token')
You can list all your contacts:
Get a specific contact by id:
And you can create a contact as well:
params = {
name: 'Alan Britho'
You can update this contact too:
params = {
name: 'Sinc Hompas'
client.contacts.update(1, params)
Or delete it, as follows:
You can list all your items:
Get a specific item by id:
And you can create an item as well:
params = {
name: 'a new item',
price: 1500
You can update this item too:
params = {
name: 'A better name!',
client.items.update(1, params)
Or delete it, as follows:
You can get all invoices:
Or get a specific invoice by id:
client.invoices.find(1) # the parameter is the inovice id
Also you are able to create a new invoice, as follows:
params = {
date: '2016-10-12',
due_date: '2016-10-12',
client: 1,
items: [
id: 1,
price: 40,
quantity: 5
id: 2,
description: 'Brown leather wallet',
price: 80,
discount: 10,
tax: [
id: 3,
quantity: 1
account_number: 1234,
payment_method: 'cash',
stamp: {
generate_stamp: true
Update that invoice:
params = { observations: 'This invoice was updated!'}
client.invoices.update(1, params)
Send that invoice by email:
params = { emails: ['your.email@alegra.com', 'another.eail@algra.com'], send_copy_to_user: true, invoice_type: 'copy'}
client.invoices.send_by_email(1, params)
You can get all payments:
Or get a specific payment by id:
client.payments.find(1) # the parameter is the payment id
Also you are able to create a new payments, as follows:
params = {
date: "2015-12-13",
invoices: [
id: 6,
amount: 150
id: 200,
amount: 500
bank_account: 1
You can get the company:
Also you can update it, as follows:
params = { website: 'nominapp.com' }
You can get the users:
Also you can retrive a specific user by doing:
Lastly you can retrive the current user, as follows:
You can get all the categories on the client account like this:
client.categories.list #this will retrieve the tree format by default
Or if you prefer the plain format from the Alegra API just pass it as a paramater:
client.categories.list(format: 'plain')
You can also retrive a specific category, as follows:
To retrive all bank accounts:
Or get a specific bank_account by id:
Also you are able to create a new bank accounts, as follows:
params = { name: 'test',
type: 'bank',
initial_balance: '100000',
initial_balance_date: '2020-02-25' }
And to create a bank transfer between accounts:
params = { id_destination: 4, # 4 is the destination bank_account_id
amount: 100000,
date: '2020-02-25' }
client.bank_accounts.transfer(7, params) # 7 is the origin bank_account_id
To retrive all existing journals:
Or get a specif journal by :id
You can create journals too, as follows:
params = { date: Date.today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
client: '416',
entries: [{ id: '5009', debit: 3_000_000 },
{ id: '5048', credit: 4_250_660 },
{ id: '5008', debit: 755_000 },
{ id: '5010', debit: 495_660 }] }
Or update them like this:
params = { client: '416'
entries: [{ id: '5009', debit: 3_000_000 },
{ id: '5048', credit: 4_150_660 },
{ id: '5008', debit: 655_000 },
{ id: '5010', debit: 495_660 }] }
client.journals.update(193, params) # Where 193 is the :id of the journal in Alegra
Lastly you can delete journals, by doing the following:
client.journals.delete(193, params) # Where 193 is the :id of the journal in Alegra
This gem is under construction and I'm writing it with the goal that it will easy to use. However, if you have any recommendation is well received.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rspec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/degzcs/alegra. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The next endpoints are pending:
- Estimates
- Number templates
- Retentions
- Sellers
- payments
- cancel payment(void)
- open payment convert https://developer.alegra.com/docs/convertir-pago-a-abierto
- Add attachment https://developer.alegra.com/docs/adjuntar-archivos-a-pagos
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.