my-workstation Public
π» Configs, plugins, programs I use at my workstation
sly Public
π Sly.py is a Python script for automatically downloading and organizing key red-teaming and OSCP tools, optimized for use on Kali Linux.
beagle.js Public
πΆ Lightweight scripts for quick checks in web security assessments
pentest-compass Public
π§ My collection of mind maps and diagrams for easier navigation through the complex world of penetration testing
hacktricks Public
Forked from HackTricks-wiki/hacktricksWelcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
Python Other UpdatedMar 13, 2024 -
PranksterShot Public
πΈ Script for catching unsuspecting colleagues when they try to poke around your unlocked laptop
Python Other UpdatedJun 2, 2023 -
poor-mans-firebase-backup Public
π Backup your Firebase Realtime database and send the dump to your email
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 11, 2023 -
hedera-certification Public
Repository that cointains my code for earning the hedera certificate
JavaScript UpdatedMar 23, 2023 -
vue-cheat-sheet Public
π My cheat sheet for vue.js most basic stuff https://boussadjra.github.io/vue-cheat-sheet/
NoRussian Public
Forked from ajax-lives/NoRussianVolunteer DoS tool via HTML + JS
yubikey-guide Public
π Simple steps on how to configure Yubico YubiKey 4 on Linux for signed git commits
helpers.js Public
π Useful javascript helper functions used in my projects
tetak.gs Public
Debt collector written in GAS for google spreadsheets
vue-unit-testing-cheat-sheet Public
π¬ My cheat sheet for testing vue components with jest and vue-test-utils
web-accessibility-notes Public
π My notes created while learning about web accessibility from various resources.
questionator Public
π Questionator is meant to provide easier participation and raising questions on meetings, conferences and workshops. Written in Nuxt.js
css-cheat-sheet Public
π¨ My cheat sheet for CSS most basic stuff
Forked from vladocar/SMART-CSS-GRIDSMART CSS GRID - CSS Framework
nuxt-cheat-sheet Public
π My cheat sheet for nuxt most basic stuff
sea_adventures Public
π¬ Twitter bot that makes tiny sea stories using emojis
naughtypy Public
π Get random comment from a random pornhub video
python-crypto Public
A little cryptography college project for getting to know how crypto stuff work.
Python UpdatedDec 5, 2015 -
decadentLib.js Public
A little library I made inspired by TodoMVC for some small projects and stuff.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 28, 2015