- Berlin
- 1h ahead - https://jannisr.de
- @derhuerst
- https://matrix.to/#/@derhuerst:matrix.org
- @derhuerst@mastodon.xyz
- https://liberapay.com/derhuerst
vbb-lines Public
VBB lines and their stations.
db-rest Public
A clean REST API wrapping around the Deutsche Bahn API.
gtfs-rt-bindings Public
Parse and serialize GTFS Realtime data encoded as protocol buffers.
iris-gtfs-rt-feed Public
[work in progress] – Matches realtime transit data from Deutsche Bahn's IRIS API against GTFS Schedule, producing GTFS Realtime data.
JavaScript ISC License UpdatedFeb 25, 2025 -
docker-geoserver Public
Forked from geosolutions-it/docker-geoserverDocker Image for GeoServer
Shell Other UpdatedFeb 21, 2025 -
html-vault Public
Store a secret securely in a standalone HTML file.
self-decrypting-html-page Public
Generate a standalone HTML page that decrypts data.
build123d-docker Public
Dockerfile for the build123d Python-based parametric CAD modeler.
Transform a stream of DIFFERENTIAL-mode GTFS Realtime (GTFS-RT) FeedEntities into a FULL_DATASET-mode feed.
ansible-role-nats Public
Forked from snapp-cab/ansible-role-natsAnsible Role to install the NATS message queue
bvg-rest Public
An HTTP API for Berlin & Brandenburg public transport.
vbb-rest Public
An HTTP API for Berlin & Brandenburg public transport.
localaddress-agent Public
Node.js HTTP Agent to dynamically assign IP addresses for outgoing requests.
ocp-build-system Public
Forked from CadQuery/ocp-build-systemA system to build Python wheel PyPI packages for OCP.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2024 -
chutney Public
Run TAP tests at Sauce Labs.
vbb-modules Public
List of JavaScript modules for Berlin & Brandenburg public transport.
vbb-stations Public
A list of VBB stations.
flightradar24-client Public
Fetch aircraft data from Flightradar24.
url-parser-cli Public
Parse a URL, get one or all components pretty-printed or as JSON.
pev2-cli Public
Run the PostgreSQL Explain Visualizer 2 (pev2) from the command line.
lamassu Public
Forked from entur/lamassuGBFS aggregator
Java European Union Public License 1.2 UpdatedJul 31, 2024 -
play-on-apple-tv Public
A command line tool to play any audio/video on an Apple TV.
live-flix-website-position Public
Periodically fetch a vehicle's position from Flix(bus)'s website.
generate-gtfs-flex Public
Given a GTFS Static feed, add GTFS Flex v2 to model on-demand public transport service.
email-providers Public
A list of common eMail providers.
extract-gtfs-pathways Public
Command-line tool to extract pathways from a GTFS dataset.
svg-radar-chart Public
Generate SVG radar charts.
match-gtfs-rt-to-gtfs Public
Match HAFAS realtime data with GTFS Static data.