I recently wrote a mini-tutorial “How to write a job app in 48 lines of code” — and here it is again, but using React JS: Facebook’s javascript love-child. This is slightly longer than 48 lines of code, but mainly because I also integrated a Material UI interface. I actually learned React so I could use this UI library. React is not strictly necessary with the Meteor framework, as Meteor is reactive out-of-the-box — but I like Google’s Material UI style, and it required React, so here we are.
Here is a detailed breakdown of this file https://medium.com/@derrybirkett/how-to-code-a-quick-job-board-with-react-meteor-and-material-ui-d4ab3b619ec3
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How to code a quick job board app with React Native https://github.com/derrybirkett/jblyrn