RacoGrad is a deep learning framework implemented in Racket, a dialect of the Lisp/Scheme family of programming languages. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating, training, and evaluating neural networks, with a focus on both educational value and practical functionality.
- Tensor Operations: Comprehensive set of tensor operations with shape checking and broadcasting
- Device-Aware Computation: Support for CPU, GPU (via OpenCL), and MLX (Apple Silicon)
- Automatic Differentiation: Backpropagation for gradient computation
- CNN Support: Implementation of convolutional neural networks with LeNet-5 architecture
- MNIST Dataset Handling: Tools for loading, preprocessing, and training on MNIST
- Early Stopping and Validation: Techniques to prevent overfitting during training
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/dev-null321/RacoGrad.git cd RacoGrad
Download the MNIST dataset:
mkdir -p mnist-data cd mnist-data
Download the following files and place them in the mnist-data directory:
Note I used Kaggle do download the dataset. Download it and place it in your directory.
Note: Remember to gunzip these files after downloading.
Compile the C extensions:
#lang racket
(require "mnist.rkt")
;; The mnist.rkt module will automatically load and train a logistic regression model
;; on the MNIST dataset when required
#lang racket
(require "CNN.rkt")
;; To train a CNN on the default device (MLX if available):
;; To specify the device:
(train-cnn 'cpu) ; Use CPU
(train-cnn 'mlx) ; Use MLX (Apple Silicon)
(train-cnn 'gpu) ; Use GPU (via OpenCL)
;; To specify training parameters:
(train-cnn 'cpu 10 64) ; 10 epochs, batch size 64
(require "tensor.rkt")
;; Create a tensor
(define t (t:create '(2 3) #(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
;; Basic operations
(t:add t1 t2) ; Add two tensors
(t:mul t1 t2) ; Matrix multiplication
(t:scale t 2.0) ; Scalar multiplication
(t:transpose t) ; Transpose tensor
;; Device-aware tensors
(require "tensor_device.rkt")
(require "device.rkt")
;; Create a device tensor on CPU
(define dt (dt:create '(2 3) #(1 2 3 4 5 6) (cpu)))
;; Move to GPU if available
(dt:to dt (gpu))
;; Operations automatically use the appropriate device
(dt:add dt1 dt2)
For detailed information about the implementation and usage, refer to the following documents:
- User Guide: Basic usage guide for users
- Implementation Details: Technical details of the implementation
- Optimization Strategy: Performance optimization strategies
- GPU Acceleration: Details on GPU acceleration
This updated version of RacoGrad includes several major enhancements:
- Convolutional Neural Networks: Full implementation of CNN with backpropagation
- Device-Aware Computing: Abstraction layer for running on different hardware
- Hardware Acceleration: Support for GPU via OpenCL and Apple Silicon via MLX
- Improved MNIST Training: Added validation splits and early stopping
- Better Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of the implementation
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.