I'm Devashish, a passionate AI/ML enthusiast and software developer. I'm currently working on projects that leverage machine learning to solve complex problems, improve user experiences, help hoomans reach mars (by generating noisy data to train AIs better).
- 🌱 I'm currently learning about LLMs.
- ⚡ Random fact: boat is the inverse function of a bathtub.
- 🚀 e/acc enthusiast
- Tensor Decomposition of Foot Pressure for Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases [Google Scholar] (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10490007?casa_token=x-SHsoG_PQUAAAAA:eLT6HrbUu0FAI7DN159tx3sFJK91McQn98XruCeOlDiihecAPOa2rDvbaZPPP6iBav8PXimuJA)
- I can deadlift 220kg (conventional).