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Terminal-Icons Public
A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal
Stucco Public
An opinionated Plaster template for high-quality PowerShell modules
GitHub Action to run PSScriptAnalyzer static code analysis
docker-orb Public
Forked from CircleCI-Public/docker-orbInstall/use various Docker-related tools on CircleCI
NetScaler Public
PowerShell module for interacting with Citrix NetScaler via the Nitro API
psake Public
Forked from psake/psakeA build automation tool... now with less XML...
terraform-azurerm-naming Public
Forked from Azure/terraform-azurerm-naming -
Azure-Network-Security Public
Forked from Azure/Azure-Network-SecurityResources for improving Customer Experience with Azure Network Security
presentations Public
Slides and demo code from various presentations
dsc-summit-precon Public
Sample and Demo scripts for the DSC PreCon at the PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit 2016
terraform-provider-azurerm Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurermTerraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
PowerShell Public
Forked from PowerShell/PowerShellPowerShell for every system!
Opserver Public
Forked from opserver/OpserverStack Exchange's Monitoring System
Feedback on the PowerShell Module Development book
PasswordState Public
PowerShell module for interacting with ClickStudio's PasswordState password management application
beautiful-jekyll Public
Forked from daattali/beautiful-jekyll✨ Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes. Demo at http://deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll
PSGSuite Public
Forked from SCRT-HQ/PSGSuitePowershell module for Google / G Suite API calls wrapped in handy functions. Authentication is established using a service account via P12 key to negate the consent popup and allow for greater hand…
jekyll-netlify-boilerplate Public
Forked from danurbanowicz/jekyll-netlify-boilerplateA simple Jekyll boilerplate for creating a fast, static website on Netlify
AzSpeedTest Public
Azure speed test tool for PowerShell
pshealthz Public
Basic HTTP listener written in PowerShell that executes Operation Validation Framework (OVF) tests and returns results using a simple REST API
psake-github-action Public
GitHub Action to execute psake tasks
watchmen Public
Infrastructure test runner using Pester and OVF modules
POSHOrigin Public
PowerShell framework for defining and invoking custom DSC resources to provision infrastructure.
planetpowershell Public
Forked from planetpowershell/planetpowershellPlanet PowerShell is an aggregator of PowerShell community content. The goal is to provide a convenient RSS feed that containsall of the content generated by community members. https://planetpowers…