issues Search Results · repo:devcenter-square/disease-info language:Ruby
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indevcenter-square/disease-info (press backspace or delete to remove)Thank you for this. I am building a project bringing awareness to chronic and/or rare diseases in an innovative way. Can
a new data point for each disease be created that tells the rareness of each disease? ...
- Opened on Nov 7, 2020
- #65
Tested out the API url here and it seems to be returning the disease symptoms just fine. But then, it s still unchecked
as an item in the todo list in the project s readme. Is there an issue with the current ...
- 3
- Opened on Oct 18, 2018
- #64
Hi. After I go to http://localhost:3000/diseases.json, there are only 94 diseases in the json. Is there another way to
get the whole disease list or there are only 94 diseases? Thank you.
- 2
- Opened on Apr 14, 2018
- #63
we should add root route and prevent non-existent routes from throwing errors and breaking the app on production...
maybe redirect non-existent routes to the 404.html inside public?
- 5
- Opened on Nov 2, 2016
- #57
Are you guys planning to migrate towards rails 5?
I d like to take care of this.
- 1
- Opened on Oct 27, 2016
- #49
We need to bring up test coverage to 90% . Currently, what we have and where we are lagging is as can be seen in the
img width= 671 alt= screen shot 2016-10-20 at 8 08 14 am src= ...
help wanted
- 3
- Opened on Oct 20, 2016
- #42
Since we already have all front-end related work extracted into disease-info-ui, We will need to remove all related code
from here, and make this a full API-only repository.
- Opened on Oct 16, 2016
- #41
On a separate debugging/refactor, I notice that disease_page = open_page({disease_link.attributes[
href ].value} ) ( ...
help wanted
- 1
- Opened on Oct 16, 2016
- #40
Add another data scrapper to get more information on diseases.
help wanted
- 2
- Opened on Oct 5, 2016
- #31

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