I'm Joinner I'm a Flutter developer, seeking to solve real-world problems🌏 and creating apps that help people entertain. I am passionate about programming and I decided to link my two passions into one, graphic design and programming as a Front-End programmer, I always seek to improve myself day by day, I do not stop learning and I seek to become a great FullStack developer, that is why I am daily watching courses and reading what I can, I like to create software💻 and tools to help people and build a community. Give a🌟 to my repository if you find my project interesting, at least its star could make someone's day🙏.
About Me:
- My application in googe play Sara Virtual Friend.
- I am currently dedicating my free time to learning to master the Back-End to become a fullStack application developer.
- I’m currently learning Nodejs, MongoDB, & python.
- I always try to find a way to gain more experience.
- Ask me about anything, I am happy to help.
- I was a professional Graphic Designer with more than 7 years of experience before becoming an application developer.
Languages and Tools: