Simple bash script to automatically install and setup ModSecurity Nginx and add OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS)
This script support fast setup for default nginx version corresponding to lately Ubuntu LTS version with already compiled libmodsecurity3
and ModSecurity Nginx Connector
so it doesn't require to compile both modules from source, which save alot of time and resources, it took only under 1 minute
Tested again: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS/nginx 1.18.0
, Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS/nginx 1.18.0
This script will:
- Install default
viaapt install
- Setup nginx modsecurity configuration with
ModSecurity Nginx Connector
from compiled binaries above, source: - Install OWASP Core Rule Set for ModSecurity 3, source:
- Enable & Test
Install default nginx, download ModSecurity/ModSecurity Connector/nginx source code, Prerequisite tools,... to build modsec connector libray for current OS enviroment if not already available
Setup splunk, config log forwader,...
Example command for: bash $0 <acc:pass> <ip:port> <hostname> <logFolder>
sudo bash admin:pass123 proxy1 /var/log/proxy-log
if we have more than 1 folder wanna log, just edit the file /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/inputs.conf
like this
Just run:
sudo bash
Example setup successful: