- Paris, France
- https://blog.javabien.net
- @dgageot
🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
A programmer-oriented testing framework for Java.
☕ SonarSource Static Analyzer for Java Code Quality and Security
Infinitest: The Continuous Test Runner for the JVM
The Ceylon compiler, language module, and command line tools
DEPRECATED - Maven plugin to deploy a plugin to a local SonarQube installation
Utility class to read .xls files 'à la' JdbcTemplate
dgageot / infinitest
Forked from infinitest/infinitestA Continuous Test Runner for Java
Test building eclipse plugins with Maven Tycho
dgageot / magrit
Forked from ptitfred/magritDistributed CI over git | zero-conf zero-infra CI
Code produce by Coding Dojo's session organized by the GenevaJUG