autorest --csharp
to the new version V3
, which uses @autorest/csharp
package and it will have few side effects:
- It will generate code based on the .NET SDK guidelines, which will be totally different than the code generated by
version. - The dotnet core runtime 3.1+ is required.
- If you still want to generate code based on
version, you can add--legacy
flag to the command line to get the previous behavior.
- Prerequisites
- Build
- Test
- Use in azure-sdk-net repo
- Use outside of the azure-sdk-net repo
- Customizing the generated code
- Make a model internal
- Rename a model class
- Change a model namespace
- Make model property internal
- Rename a model property
- Change a model property type
- Preserve raw Json value of a property
- Changing member doc comment
- Customize serialization/deserialization methods
- Renaming an enum
- Renaming an enum member
- Changing an enum to an extensible enum
- Make a client internal
- Rename a client
- Replace any generated member
- Remove any generated member
- Change model namespace or accessibility in bulk
- Change operation accessibility in bulk
- Exclude models from namespace
- Extending a model with additional constructors
- NodeJS (14.x.x)
- .NET Core SDK (5.0.100)
- PowerShell Core 7
npm install
(at root)
dotnet build
(at root)
(at root in PowerShell Core)
This command tests your change across many swagger definitions and samples.
These arguments change the behavior:
option skips Swagger -> YAML IL step. Much faster when only making codegen changes-fast SWAGGER_NAME
(where SWAGGER_NAME is replaced with the name of the swagger) to run only one case
dotnet test
(at root)
autorest.testserver provides a platform for automated testing of the code generators.
It packages a bunch of test swagger files, along with a “mock” nodejs server.
The swagger files are compiled, and then run, which pings the mock server (to verify behavior). This tests both the Modeler 4 and language specific codegen.
This document contains some additional technical details.
These instructions are only a general outline, see the script for details:
- Use
dotnet pack
to package up a version of the generator dotnet pack -o directory
(where directory is replaced with the name of the directory)- Copy created nuget package to your local nuget source
- Update package.props
dotnet restore -S directory
(where directory is replaced with the name of the directory)
Run dotnet build /t:GenerateCode
in the directory that contains your .csproj
This executes these targets.
Refer also to azure-sdk-for-net/ for more details.
Merging a change in autorest.csharp will open a PR against azure-sdk-for-net with every project’s generated code staged for review.
Along with this, it also bumps the generator to the new version.
This bump is done here.
The generator is shipped as a NuGet package.
This way, every binding stays in lockstep with the current generator
Use below command to generate code:
autorest --use:@autorest/csharp@3.0.0-beta.20210210.4 --input-file:FILENAME --clear-output-folder:true --output-folder:DIRECTORY
- Use @autorest/csharp version v3.0.0-beta.20210210.4 or later.
- If you don't want to override the
after the first generation, you can pass--skip-csproj
flag with the autorest command.
For more details please refer these docs to generate code from your OpenAPI definition using AutoRest.
There are two entry points for debugging autorest.csharp:
- Opening AutoRest.CSharp.sln in Visual Studio will contain a debugging profile for each sample and test. These only run the "back half", using the yaml file generated by autorest.core as input.
- ./Generate.ps1 will execute the entire pipeline by invoking autorest and including autorest.csharp as a plugin. Add:
attach: true
to the autorest configuration to attach a debugger to the plugin process.
Many customizations can be done as a transform in, however getting it right can be tricky.
One useful trick is to use $lib.log
to output the state of the object either before of after transform:
transform: >
$['x-accessibility'] = "internal";
Define a class with the same namespace and name as generated model and use the desired accessibility.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model { }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
internal partial class Model { }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
- public partial class Model { }
+ internal partial class Model { }
Define a class with a desired name and mark it with [CodeGenModel("OriginalName")]
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model { }
Add customized model (NewModelClassName.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class NewModelClassName { }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/NewModelClassName.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
- public partial class Model { }
+ public partial class NewModelClassName { }
Define a class with a desired namespace and mark it with [CodeGenModel("OriginalName")]
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model { }
Add customized model (NewModelClassName.cs)
namespace Azure.Service
public partial class Model { }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/NewModelClassName.cs):
- namespace Azure.Service.Models
+ namespace Azure.Service
public partial class Model { }
Define a class with a property matching a generated property name but with desired accessibility.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public string Property { get; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
internal string Property { get; }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public string Property { get; }
Define a partial class with a new property name and mark it with [CodeGenMember("OriginalName")]
NOTE: you can also change a property to a field using this mapping.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public string Property { get; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public string RenamedProperty { get; }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public string Property { get; }
+ // All original Property usages would reference a RenamedProperty
NOTE: This is supported for a narrow set of cases where the underlying serialized type doesn't change
Scenarios that would work:
- String <-> TimeSpan (both represented as string in JSON)
- Float <-> Int (both are numbers)
- String <-> Enums (both strings)
- String -> Uri
Won't work:
- String <-> Bool (different json type)
- Changing model kinds
If you think you have a valid re-mapping scenario that's not supported file an issue.
Define a property with different type than the generated one.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public string Property { get; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public DateTime Property { get; }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.Serializer.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public string Property { get; }
+ // Serialization code now reads and writes DateTime value instead of string
Use the Change a model property type approach to change property type to JsonElement
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public string Property { get; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public JsonElement Property { get; }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.Serializer.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public string Property { get; }
+ // Serialization code now reads and writes JsonElement value instead of string
Redefine a member in partial class with a new doc comment.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
/// Subpar doc comment
public string Property { get; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
/// Great doc comment
public string Property { get; }
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- /// Subpar doc comment
- public string Property { get; }
Use the Replace any generated member approach to replace Serialize/Deserialize method with a custom implementation.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Cat.Serialization.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Cat
internal static Cat DeserializeCat(JsonElement element)
string color = default;
string name = default;
foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject())
if (property.NameEquals("color"))
if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
color = property.Value.GetString();
if (property.NameEquals("name"))
if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
name = property.Value.GetString();
return new Cat(id, name);
Add customized model (Cat.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Cat
internal static Cat DeserializeCat(JsonElement element)
string color = default;
string name = default;
foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject())
if (property.NameEquals("name"))
if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
name = property.Value.GetString();
// WORKAROUND: server never sends color, default to black
color = "black";
return new Cat(name, color);
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
Generated code won't contain the DeserializeCat method and the custom one would be used for deserialization.
Redefine an enum with a new name and all the members mark it with [CodeGenModel("OriginEnumName")]
NOTE: because enums can't be partial all values have to be copied
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Colors.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public enum Colors
Add customized model (WallColors.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public enum WallColors
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
-namespace Azure.Service.Models
- public enum Colors
- {
- Red,
- Green,
- Blue
- }
+// Serialization code uses the new WallColors type name
Redefine an enum with the same name and all the members, mark renamed member with [CodeGenMember("OriginEnumMemberName")]
NOTE: because enums can't be partial all values have to be copied but only the ones being renamed should be marked with an attributes
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Colors.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public enum Colors
Add customized model (Colors.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public enum Colors
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
-namespace Azure.Service.Models
- public enum Colors
- {
- Red,
- Green,
- Blue
- }
+// Serialization code uses the new SkyBlue member name
Redefine an enum into an extensible enum by creating an empty struct with the same name as original enum.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Colors.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public enum Colors
Add customized model (Colors.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial struct Colors
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
- public enum Colors
- {
- Red,
- Green
- }
+ public readonly partial struct Colors : IEquatable<Colors>
+ {
+ private readonly string _value;
+ public Colors(string value)
+ {
+ _value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
+ }
+ private const string Red = "red";
+ private const string Green = "green";
+ public static Colors Red { get; } = new Colors(Red);
+ public static Colors Green { get; } = new Colors(Green);
+ public static bool operator ==(Colors left, Colors right) => left.Equals(right);
Define a class with the same namespace and name as generated client and use the desired accessibility.
Generated code before (Generated/Operations/ServiceClient.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
public partial class ServiceClient { }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
internal partial class ServiceClient { }
Generated code after (Generated/Operations/ServiceClient.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
- public partial class ServiceClient { }
+ internal partial class ServiceClient { }
Define a partial client class with a new name and mark it with [CodeGenClient("OriginalName")]
Generated code before (Generated/Operations/ServiceClient.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
public partial class ServiceClient {}
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
public partial class TableClient { }
Generated code after (Generated/Operations/ServiceClient.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Operations
- public partial class ServiceClient { }
+ public partial class TableClient { }
Works for model and client properties, methods, constructors etc.
Define a partial class with member with the same name and for methods same parameters.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public Model()
Property = "a";
public string Property { get; set; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
internal Model()
Property = "b";
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public Model()
- {
- Property = "a";
- }
Works for model and client properties, methods, constructors etc.
Define a partial class with [CodeGenSuppress("NameOfMember", typeof(Parameter1Type), typeof(Parameter2Type))]
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
public Model()
Property = "a";
public Model(string property)
Property = property;
public string Property { get; set; }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
[CodeGenSuppress("Model", typeof(string))]
public partial class Model
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model
- public Model(string property)
- {
- Property = property;
- }
Generated code before:
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model1 {}
public partial class Model2 {}
public partial class Model3 {}
public partial class Model4 {}
Add transformation
from: swagger-document
where: $.definitions.*
transform: >
$["x-namespace"] = "Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes.Models"
$["x-accessibility"] = "internal"
Generated code after:
-namespace Azure.Service.Models
+namespace Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes.Models
- public partial class Model1 {}
+ internal partial class Model1 {}
- public partial class Model2 {}
+ internal partial class Model2 {}
- public partial class Model3 {}
+ internal partial class Model3 {}
- public partial class Model4 {}
+ internal partial class Model4 {}
Generated code before (Generated/Client.cs):
public virtual Response Operation(string body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public virtual async Task<Response> OperationAsync(string body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Add transformation
- from: swagger-document
where: $..[?(@.operationId=='Operation')]
transform: >
$["x-accessibility"] = "internal";
Generated code after (Generated/Client.cs):
internal virtual Response Operation(string body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
internal virtual async Task<Response> OperationAsync(string body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model { }
Add model-namespace
model-namespace: false
input-file: "swagger-document"
Generated code after (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
- namespace Azure.Service.Models
+ namespace Azure.Service
public partial class Model { }
As with most customization, you can define a partial class for Models and extend them with methods and constructors.
Generated code before (Generated/Models/Model.cs):
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model { }
Add customized model (Model.cs)
namespace Azure.Service.Models
public partial class Model {
public Model(int x)
Repository-specific pipeline configuration
# autorest-core version
version: 3.6.3
save-inputs: true
use: $(this-folder)/artifacts/bin/AutoRest.CSharp/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/
clear-output-folder: true
public-clients: true
skip-csproj-packagereference: true