Linkify more relative file paths in the terminal.
Configure a list of base paths. If a relative file path is output to the terminal, it will be turned into a link.
For example, if your project's makefile outputs paths relative to /root/path/, add this to your settings:
terminalFileLink.baseDirectories = [
An example terminal session:
> cd /some/other/path
> make
Building foo, entering /build/path
Error in some/file.h:123
Now 'some/file.h:123' becomes a link to '/root/path/some/file.h:123'
: List of directories for which paths may be relative.terminalFileLink.fileRegex
: Regex for identifying file paths.
Initial release!
- Substitute ${workspaceFolder} if used in baseDirectories.
- Add fileRegex setting to customize file regex.
- Add some debug output.
- Substitute all workspace folders for ${workspaceFolder}
- Don't create the debug output channel more than once