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Bedrock, or b6, is Diagonal's geospatial analysis engine. It reads a compact representation of the world into memory, and makes it available for analysis, for example from a Python script or iPython notebook. It also provides a simple web interface for exploring data. Communication between Python and b6 happens over gRPC.

We use b6 for the analysis behind our work for clients. We use the web interface to explore data at the outset of a project, before generating analysis results for different scenarios as JSON. We load these results into interactive visualisations and tools built with d3. When working with larger datasets, or building more complex tools, we embed the Go library into custom binaries to build tools that support dynamic analysis.

Working in the urban environment, the impact of the projects we support on the communities around them outlasts our own involvement. We have a duty to allow these communities to understand and build on our work beyond our time with the project. We open sourced b6 to enable this - and to comply with our charter, which requires our work to be transparent.

We built b6 for ourselves, and don't expect it to be useful for a wide range of people. We don't have as much public documentation as we'd like yet. However, if you do find it useful, or interesting, we'd be excited to hear about what you're up to.


The simplest way to try b6 is with the docker image we provide:

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Run the docker image and point it to some test data
docker run \
  -p 8001:8001 \
  -p 8002:8002 \
  -v ./data:/data \
  -e FRONTEND_CONFIGURATION="frontend-dev" \ \
  --world /data/tests/camden.osm.pbf


We provide a specific environment variable, FRONTEND_CONFIGURATION, to select the features we want to enable; in this case we want the shell feature to be on, but the scenarios feature off. You can read more above these in the /nix/js.nix file and /nix/docker.nix.

This starts an instance of b6, with a web interface on port 8001, and a gRPC interface for analysis from Python on port 8002, hosting a small amount of data from OpenStreetMap for the area of London around Diagonal's spiritual home. Viewing localhost:8001 should show you a map.

You can also run b6 directly via Nix:

nix run github:diagonalworks/diagonal-b6#run-b6 \
  -- \
  --world data/tests/camden.osm.pbf

There's a Python notebook that introduces the client library, and an overview b6 concepts in our FOSS4G 2023 talk. The unit tests are the best place to discover the functions b6 provides, and see how they're used.

The web interface, and the b6 shell

The b6 web interface

In the web interface, a left click will show a result window for the lat, lng of that location. Holding shift while left clicking will show a result window with the feature rendered on the map at that location. The result window can be dragged if you'd like to keep it around, otherwise it will be replaced by the next click.

There's an input box labelled b6 at the bottom of each result window. We call this the b6 shell. The shell lets you enter a b6 function to run on the value shown in the result window. For example, clicking a point on the map to show the lat, lng and entering sightline 300 will show an estimated viewshed polygon from that point, with a cutoff of 300m. The Python client library and the shell provide the same set of functions.

Pressing backtick will slide open a b6 shell that's not associated with a result. This is a good starting point for jumping to new locations and finding data. Entering 51.537028, -0.128169 will jump the map to a pocket park.

You can search for features by tags that start with a #. For example, find (tagged "#amenity" "bench") will show places to sit. find returns feaures matching a query, and tagged returns a query that will match features by tag value. As searching is so common, the shell provides a shorthand for queries: find [#amenity=bench]. find will highlight the matching features on the map, if they're shown. A result window for a tag will add features with that tag to the map, so if you'd like to see benches, enter #amenity=bench (which is shorthand for tag "#amenity" "bench"), and drag the window to keep it around. (To close windows, you have to reload the UI - it's a work in progress!).

We often restrict searches to a radius around a location. find (and (intersecting-cap 51.537028, -0.128169 500) [#building]) will return buildings within 500m of the park.

Nesting brackets in the shell quickly becomes tedious, so we provide a shorthand for piplining functions with |, which calls the next function the result of the current call as the first argument. take (find [#amenity=bench]) 10, which returns the first 10 benches ordered by ID, can be written as find [#amenity=bench] | take 10. When you use the shell at the bottom of a result window, you're adding to a pipeline that starts with the result in the window.

Ingesting data

If you have a small amount of data you'd like to work with, in OSM PBF format, you can read it directly by putting it in a directory by itself and making sure that directory is readable. Via docker:

# Run the docker image and point it to some test data
docker run \
  -p 8001:8001 \
  -p 8002:8002 \
  -v ./data:/data \
  -e FRONTEND_CONFIGURATION="frontend-with-scenarios=false,shell=true" \ \
  --world /data

For larger datasets, or datasets in formats other than OSM PBF, you'll need to use one of the ingestion tools. These tools convert source data into a compact representation for efficient reading by the backend, that we call an index. b6-ingest-osm produces an index for OpenStreetMap data in PBF format, while b6-ingest-gdal will produce an index for shp or geojson files read via the GDAL library. We typically use the .index extension for ingested data.

To ingest an OSM PBF file granary-square.osm.pbf, use:

# Docker
docker run \
  -v ./data:/data \
  --entrypoint b6-ingest-osm \ \
  --input data/tests/granary-square.osm.pbf --output data/granary-square.index

# Nix
nix run .#b6-ingest-osm -- \
      --input data/tests/granary-square.osm.pbf \
      --output granary-square.index

To ingest a shapefile via GDAL, use something like:

b6-ingest-gdal \
    --input SG_DataZone_Bdry_2011.shp \
    --output data/region/scottish-borders/data-zones-2011.index \
    --namespace \
    --id DataZone \
    --id-strategy strip \
    --add-tags "#boundary=datazone" \
    --copy-tags "name=Name,code=DataZone,population:2011=TotPop2011"

In this example:

  • --input is the name of the GDAL readable file to ingest.
  • --namespace is the namespace to use when generating IDs for features.
  • --id DataZone --id-strategy strip uses the value of the DataZone field as the integer part of the feature's identifier, stripping non-numeric characters from the field's value. Another common option is --id=Code --id-strategy=hash, which hashes the value of the Code field. If --id-strategy isn't supplied, an ID is generated by incrementing an integer for each ingested feature.
  • --copy-tags "name=Name" copies the Name field into the feature as a tag named name.
  • --add-tags "#boundary=datazone" adds the tag #boundary=datazone to all features.

Indexing large inputs takes time and memory, but results in a reasonably sized index file. For example, indexing a 10Gb planet extract for the UK takes ~20 minutes on a machine with 8 cores, and uses ~40Gb RAM. The resulting index is around 10Gb. As the index is mapped directly into memory, the size of the file is the upper bound on the amount of memory b6 will use to read the index. We normally ingest large datasets on cloud VMs, but use the index on our own machines.

Building and running from source

The best way to build the project locally is via the Nix development shells.

A Nix flake is provided to build the binaries and/or do development.

If you use direnv you will get a development shell automatically, and otherwise you can get one with:

nix develop

You can build all the go binaries with nix build and run specific binaries, such as b6 or b6-ingest-gdal like so:

nix run .#b6 -- --help
nix run .#b6-ingest-gdal -- --help


We provide a helpful nix package, nix run .#run-b6 that pre-defines a few of a common command-line options so you don't need to set them explicitly. See the flake.nix for more information.

The go application is built with gomod2nix.

For day-to-day development, it is convenient to use the Makefile; so you can run make b6, or any other make target, from the Nix shell. Note that the resulting binaries are placed in the ./bin folder.

Because the Python library depends on running the Go binaries, we have provided a special combined shell that can be used to run both:

nix develop .#combined

This is useful for running the Python and Go tests via the Makefile:

> nix develop .#combined
> make all-tests

There is a Python project defined which can be built with nix build .#python312; but this is only useful as a flake input to another project, and it used for the flake template (see below). You can jump into a Python environment with nix develop .#python.


The version of Python you use must match when you bring in the library; i.e. if you python312 you need to use the python312 package.

Running with Nix

It is also possible to run the go binaries directly with nix:

> nix run github:diagonalworks/diagonal-b6/#b6

# or

> nix run github:diagonalworks/diagonal-b6/#b6-ingest-osm

Updating go dependencies

If the go dependencies change, you need to run gomod2nix. You can do this from the normal devShell:

cd src/

Building the docker image with Nix

You can build the docker image with Nix:

nix build .#b6-image
./result | docker load

This provides the docker image b6, which can be run in the typical way:

docker run -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 -v ./data:/data b6 -world /data/camden.index

See the flake.nix file for more information.

Flake template

There is a flake template to demonstrate how to make a b6 "client" project; i.e. something that comes with the b6 Python library installed. You can use it like so:

mkdir some-project
cd some-project
nix flake init --template github:diagonalworks/diagonal-b6/
nix develop

Within here you will have a b6 binary to run a local b6, and also the diagonal_b6 python package available.

You can read more about the template here: nix/python-client/flake.nix

Running the docs with nix

To just open the docs:

nix run .#b6-docs