A curated list of stuff related to the new React Context API
Featured ๐ฅ
Constate, a state management library using React Context
- Use the new React Context API by Andrew Van Slaars (paid)
- Heres how React's New Context API Works by Wes Bos
- React's All New Context API by Harry Wolff
- What's New in React 16.3.0 by Elijah Manor
- React v16.3.0: New lifecycles and context API by Brian Vaughn (official)
- React Context API Blogs by Kent C. Dodds
- Whatโs new in React 16.3 by Bartosz Szczeciลski
- Replacing redux with the new React context API by Didier FRANC
- React's new context API: toggle between local and global state by Diego Haz
- compare-react-state-management - React createContext vs Apollo vs MobX vs Redux in a simple todo app.
- ThemeContext - CodeSandbox example using React v16.3.0-alpha.0.
- Themer - React Context demo on CodeSandbox.
- react-create-context - Polyfill for the proposed React context API.
- react-contextual - Tiny helper around React's new context API.
- react-broadcast - Reliably communicate state changes to deeply nested React elements.
- react-composer - Prevents deeply nested code when consuming multiple contexts at the same time.
- react-connect-context - Redux-style connector that maps context-based objects onto a component's props.
- react-waterfall - React store built on top of the new context API.
- react-redux - A Context based library for integrating React with Redux.
- react-zedux - Create consumable contexts from observables, including Zedux/Redux stores.
- react-translations-provider - Setup and access a global set of translations and current locale via a context provider.
- with-context - Decorator for new React Context API.
- constate - React Context + State = constate.
- react-motive - Small wrapper around the React Context API with actions/dispatch style state management.
- react-loadable-context - Small wrapper around the React Context API to asynchronously load and inject objects into the context.
- unstated - A tiny dependency that provides a handy wrapper around the Context API for dependency injection.
- react-storage-context - Handy util for getting/setting local storage and session storage built on the Context API.
- dakpan - A small React state management library using the new React context.
- react-context-connector - React HOC to the new Context API to keep the use as simple as React-Redux connect HOC.
- react-zap - Zap props from one React component to another, using React new context API and your existing higher-order components.
- react-providers - A small library that creates a centralized place to store (like Redux store) your context components and HOC to use it. Automatically resolves dependencies between your context components.
- react-context-global-state - A wrapper library around the Context API to define global state without explicitly using
components. - folio - A dynamic form manage form global state and CSS grid using context.
- react-combine-reducer - Function that merge context providers in ease. Supports constate and unstated-next in a simple way.
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