- 🏢 I'm currently working full-time with awesome peeps at DILdaS Tecnologia
- ⚙️ I use daily:
.java .ts
- 🌱 Learning more about and studying: Open Source, Clean Code, Java, Spring, Node, TypeScript, Swagger, TDD- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- 💬 Ping me about: chatbot, backend, beer, mentorship, Music
- 📫 Reach me asap: LinkedIn or diego@dildas.com.br
- 💜 Interests: huge Jesus fan, cryptocurrency enthusiast, 🍷 Wine, 🍖 Barbecue
- 😄 Passionate about accessibility and committed to a web that works for everyone
- 💼 Connecting and sharing professional updates on LinkedIn
- 🎧 Listening to all my favorite jams on Spotify DiegoIzac
- 🌐 Updating my personal website with examples of my work on www.DILdaS.com.br
- 🐦 Tweeting about Galo, memes and sharing tech tweets on Twitter
⭐️ From DiegoIzac
Languages and Tools: