Tags: diffplug/spotless
## Headline changes - The long `2.44.0.BETAX` period is finally over (sorry, there was [a problem in Gradle land](#987)). - Spotless now supports [linting](https://github.com/diffplug/spotless/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#lints) in addition to formatting. - help wanted: [maven api to suppress lints](#2309) ### Changed * Bump default `ktlint` version to latest `1.3.0` -> `1.4.0`. ([#2314](#2314)) * Bump default `jackson` version to latest `2.18.0` -> `2.18.1`. ([#2319](#2319)) * Bump default `ktfmt` version to latest `0.52` -> `0.53`. ([#2320](#2320)) * Bump default `ktlint` version to latest `1.4.0` -> `1.5.0`. ([#2354](#2354)) * Bump minimum `eclipse-cdt` version to `11.0` (removed support for `10.7`). ([#2373](#2373)) * Bump default `eclipse` version to latest `4.32` -> `4.34`. ([#2381](#2381)) ### Fixed * You can now use `removeUnusedImports` and `googleJavaFormat` at the same time again. (fixes [#2159](#2159)) * The default list of type annotations used by `formatAnnotations` now includes Jakarta Validation's `Valid` and constraints validations (fixes [#2334](#2334))
## Headline changes - All steps now support roundtrip serialization (end of [#987](#987)). - Spotless now supports [linting](https://github.com/diffplug/spotless/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#lints) in addition to formatting. ### Changed * Allow setting Eclipse config from a string, not only from files ([#2337](#2337)) * Bump default `ktlint` version to latest `1.3.0` -> `1.4.0`. ([#2314](#2314)) * Add _Sort Members_ feature based on [Eclipse JDT](plugin-gradle/README.md#eclipse-jdt) implementation. ([#2312](#2312)) * Bump default `jackson` version to latest `2.18.0` -> `2.18.1`. ([#2319](#2319)) * Bump default `ktfmt` version to latest `0.52` -> `0.53`. ([#2320](#2320)) * Bump default `ktlint` version to latest `1.4.0` -> `1.5.0`. ([#2354](#2354)) * Bump minimum `eclipse-cdt` version to `11.0` (removed support for `10.7`). ([#2373](#2373)) * Bump default `eclipse` version to latest `4.32` -> `4.34`. ([#2381](#2381)) ### Fixed * You can now use `removeUnusedImports` and `googleJavaFormat` at the same time again. (fixes [#2159](#2159)) * The default list of type annotations used by `formatAnnotations` now includes Jakarta Validation's `Valid` and constraints validations (fixes [#2334](#2334))