digitarald / id-specs
Forked from mozilla/id-specsSpecifications for Mozilla's Identity Effort
digitarald / aitc
Forked from anantn/aitcWorking space for Apps in the Cloud. Because Mercurial.
Sync working branch. `master` in this repository is stable, and tracks Other branches are owned by developers, and are subject to change.
digitarald / math
Forked from cjcliffe/mathA math library for JavaScript
The source of the website
Unofficial import of Mozilla's mozilla-central hg repository using hg-git
digitarald / testmob
Forked from shane-tomlinson/testmobA new take on John Resig's TestSwarm
digitarald / gamesaver
Forked from dmose/gamesaverA node.js game-saving server which authenticates via browserId.
digitarald / pdf.js
Forked from mozilla/pdf.jsPDF Reader in JavaScript
Project Template for running Flask on Google App Engine
digitarald / bean
Forked from fat/beanan events api for javascript
digitarald / bonzo
Forked from ded/bonzosimple, hassle-free, library agnostic, extensible DOM utility
digitarald / openwebapps
Forked from mozilla/openwebappsAn experiment into Open Web Apps
digitarald / prospector
Forked from mozilla/prospectorA series of experiments from Mozilla Labs focused on analyzing, experimenting and prototyping improvements on how you search and discover content with Firefox.
digitarald / mootools-history
Forked from cpojer/mootools-historyHistory Management via popstate or hashchange.
digitarald / mootools-core
Forked from mootools/mootools-coreMooTools Core Repository
digitarald / swCombinePlugin
Forked from rande/swCombinePluginCombine stylesheets and javascripts files, with no computation at runtime
digitarald / art
Forked from kamicane/artvector drawing for buttons, icons, widgets and all that stuff
digitarald / slickspeed
Forked from nel/slickspeedSpeed / Validity test for css dom queries in JavaScript web Frameworks.
nel / slickspeed
Forked from kamicane/slickspeedRewritten phpless version of kamicane Slickspeed
digitarald / sly
Forked from subtleGradient/slickSly is a turbocharged, cross-browser, library-agnostic JavaScript class for querying DOM documents using CSS3 selectors.
digitarald / mootools-more
Forked from mootools/mootools-moreMooTools Plugins and Enhancements Repository
simon-engledew / mootools-core
Forked from mootools/mootools-coreMooTools Core Repository