WARNING: Volt is still in the development stage and is not ready for use!
Rapid: Volt is incredibly fast and powerful.
Reliable: Volt is built to be reliable and dependable.
Robust: Volt works with low resource usage.
Important: Volt is still in the alpha stage of development, and is not ready for use in production or development environments.
We don't have an official release of Volt yet, however, if you would like to give it a try, feel free to follow the steps below to build from source.
Prerequisites: Git, Rust Toolchain
Rust 1.58
- Clone the github repository using the Github CLI.
git clone https://github.com/voltpkg/volt
- Change to the
cd volt
- Run a compiled and optimized build
cargo run --release -- --help
# you should see a help menu from Volt
First, make sure you Build From Source.
Run this command to run the tests for volt.
cargo test
Feature | Build Status |
Add | ποΈ |
Audit | β |
Cache | β |
Check | β |
Clone | ποΈ |
Compress | ποΈ |
Create | ποΈ |
Deploy | ποΈ |
Fix | β |
Help | ποΈ |
Info | β |
Init | ποΈ |
Install | ποΈ |
List | ποΈ |
Login | ποΈ |
Logout | β |
Migrate | ποΈ |
Mod | β |
Outdated | β |
Owner | β |
Ping | ποΈ |
Publish | β |
Remove | β |
Run | ποΈ |
Search | β |
Set | β |
Stat | β |
Tag | β |
Team | β |
Update | β |
Watch | ποΈ |
We use semver for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under Apache-2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details.