Sample trivia game built with AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Lex. See for a running example.
- Backend API Service (folder): REST API that serves trivia questions and answers. Runs on AWS Fargate, either with Amazon ECS or with Amazon EKS.
- Static Site (folder): Web application page, backed by Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon Route53.
- Chat Bot (folder): Conversational bot that asks trivia questions and validates answers, and can be integrated into Slack workspace. Running on Amazon Lex and AWS Lambda.
- Continuous Delivery (folder): Pipelines that deploy code and infrastructure for each of the components.
- Canaries (folder): Monitoring canaries to continuously test the application and alarm in case of issues.
- Alarms (folder): E-mail and chat notifications for alarms in case of issues.
The components above are almost entirely deployed with AWS CloudFormation, using either the AWS Cloud Development Kit or the AWS Serverless Application Model.
This sample code is made available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.
Static site based on React Trivia